Page 70 of Chicago Code Black

"I am a what now?"

Adorable gringo.

"I called you stupid, but don't worry, I said it in a loving way."

"Yeah, I don't like this nick name." But his eyes were smiling.

"Do you like papito more? You like when I look up at you and call you daddy?" I dragged my nails on his chest to accentuate my words, and by the sharp breath he inhaled, I'd say it worked.

"Damn, Rita, we're not done talking."

"Right. You really didn't take me away?" He shook his head looking repentant. "I cannot believe I left with another man. I had a full scholarship and turned it down. Why would I do that? Was it the man who...who hit me?"

He turned to stone by my side, his body rigid and his face frozen, but no one could deny the fire in his eyes. I was worried he may burst into a range.

"Never. Bring. That. Up." The words were spit through his teeth. "Don't ever bring it up. I can't, Rita. I fucking can't. If we talk about it, you'll find me in jail soon."

Oh damn. He was mad. Mad like I’d never thought I'd see James.

"Ok, ok, I don't need to know. Calm down, papito. It was better when I thought it was you who made me leave; that would have made my reckless thinking worth it."

"But you did find me in the end, and I found you. It doesn't matter how; what's important is that we're here now. It makes no difference how or when." He said it again and again, trying to reassure me, brand in my head that it didn’t matter. Nothing mattered; my life before was only a way to get where I was now, and maybe he was right. I had already lost a part of my life, so why not live in this blissful present.

"Ok. I just can't believe I turned down going to university like that. I remember how hard I studied for it. Does this ever bother you?"

"Rita, you had a life before me, and I had a life before you. I wish you wouldn't worry about that."

"No, not that. Does it bother you that you are a fucking genius married to a woman with no career who only finished high school? Have any of your friends laughed at you for it?"

I looked up at him, trying to hide my embarrassment under a casual facade, not showing how badly I wished I could be better for him.

James's eyes were wide, and his mouth was hanging open like I’d just told him I had a second vagina.

"I'll say this once, and it better get through your fucking thick skull - you could never make me feel shame in any way. I don't care about your degree. You can go to school if you want, sell your paintings or just stay home, I can afford it all."

"I just meant..." But I didn’t get to interject in his rant.

"I have never met a smarter woman or a sharper mind in my life, so please don't underestimate yourself. You are bold and so clever it can get dangerous, and if anyone ever dared to insult your intelligence in any way, they'd have to put up with me."

This man. This fucking perfect man that always found the perfect words to calm me down. When I was confused, he was there to light my path; when I was scared, he made me feel safe, and when I was ashamed, he lifted me up to the damn sky - all with a few words and those loving eyes that uncovered his heart in front of me.

I couldn’t stop myself from putting my tea cup aside and jumping in his lap, slapping my lips on his and taking his tongue to a sensual dance with mine. We didn’t stop until there was no air left in our lungs.

"I love you, Sullivan.”

"Make sure to remember it."

"You keep saying that, why?"

He dragged me down to bite my bottom lip.

"Just promise me that if you ever get mad with me, you'll remember it, love."

"James, you could never make me that mad."

"Just promise." I shook my head and rolled my eyes at him, but he pinched my chin and looked me dead in the eyes.

"Rita, promise." All my amusement faded, and suddenly, I felt like we were sharing an intimate moment - a vow.