Page 63 of Chicago Code Black


"I need you as deep as possible. Get under my skin. Get into my soul." I'd drill my way there if I had to. Using my left arm, I hooked her leg over my shoulder opening her up, ready to take her on the ride.

She sank her nails into my chest and cried out.

"Too much?"

"Never, now fuck me."

And I did. Raw. Hard. Senseless. Until we were both dangling on the edge of fulfillment. Rita was right there with me, and she couldn’t stop herself from screaming my name, so I quickly sealed her lips with mine.

"Come on, love, get there. I need to see you smash to smithereens." It was the most beautiful view on the face of this damn planet, and I was here on the first line, enjoying the show.

After three more strokes, she exploded in desire, coming forcefully and shivering in satisfaction. Her puckered nipples invited me to taste them so I went down and sucked one with eagerness, intensifying her reaction. When I felt her walls closing around me, milking my aching cock, I was over. The orgasm took me away, and I bucked inside of her.

Rita lay limp under me, both of us struggling to regain the ability to breath.

"I love how we fight," she finally said after many minutes, and I rolled around, remembering I was probably squishing her organs.

"I know, I was right there with you." Never, in my twenty-eight years of life had I felt anything more wild or raw. If the world had caught on fire, it wouldn't have stopped me. I needed to have her, to feel like we were one. After today, I needed to possess her body. I was not familiar with such urgency, but here we were now.

Now I was a savage who wanted to mark this woman, and when she fell asleep, resting her head on my shoulder, contentment washed over me because I knew my seed was sliding out of her. You can't go more primal or possessive than that.


When the morning rolled around, I woke in the unfamiliar bed, alone, still dressed in yesterday's work clothes. My shirt was opened, and the sleeves were ripped from how hard Rita scratched me. My pants were sliding down my hips, and my boxers were down with my morning wood peeking at me from under them. I was a mess, but between my sixteen hour shift yesterday, the fight and the off the charts love making, all my strength had vanished.

Ugh, I needed to pick myself up. I needed a shower, and I needed a God damn cup of coffee. I got out of bed and tucked myself in my pants, ready to find Rita and drag her in the shower with me. In the hallway, I was greeted by quite a surprising presence - and I couldn’t say it was the happiest one.

"Zach, what the hell are you doing in my house?" His hand was on the door of the guest bathroom, and he turned to watch me.

"Fucking finally. Sullivan, it's eleven thirty. I was starting to think you died in your sleep.

Eleven thirty? I never slept in so late, not even on my days off.

"Yeah, well, I had a rough day."

"I can see. You're doing the walk of shame in your own house." His douchebag smile pissed me off. "Damn, is this Rita a woman or a cheetah?"

"Excuse me?"

"Your neck and that poor shirt look like she went wild on you."

I mirrored his smile before I was able to stop my reaction. We were way past wild; we were vicious.

"I still don't know what you're doing in my house, asshole."

"I came to high five you for having decent sex for the first time in your life." I punched his shoulder and frowned at him as warning to watch his stupid mouth. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I meant no disrespect to the lady that has no idea she is in bed with a stranger."

If those words had come from anyone else, I would have dragged his ass out and brawled like we were drunks outside a cheap bar on a Saturday night. He didn’t mean anything; I knew he didn’t. He joked around and hid his big heart behind sarcasm - he proposed to his girl with a joke about her ass, for God's sake - but his remark had whipped me across the face. I was pretty sure it could be seen on my face because he stepped closer and put a big bear palm on my shoulder.

"Hey, man, I'm sorry, alright? I didn't mean it like that."

"I know, but it doesn't make it less true."

"And we both know that eighty-six percent of women in America can only hope to meet a guy as attentive as you, so maybe it's not that bad."

There he was, once in a blue moon the douche armor went down, and he had a moment. I knew that I could count on his stupid ass every time I needed it.