Page 61 of Chicago Code Black

"Papito, I want my memories back so bad, but mostly because I feel like this picture-perfect life we have is too good to be true, but I also never felt fear more crippling than earlier. So, I don't know what happened, but I don't think I ever want to remember that, and I understand why you don't want to talk about it. The thought of another woman touching you, let alone hurting you makes me want to climb the walls, find the bitch and put her face under construction."

Good, at least we were on the same page. I made a quick mental note to myself to never let Rita close to Avery, because no matter how much of a sour wench my ex-wife was, I didn’t think she deserved a meeting with Rita's fists.

"There's something else I need you to know, love."

"Mhm, great, more serious discussions."

Her dry tone made me chuckle.

"I was truthful when I told you I don't like change. I like my life in order. Growing up, I was never the star athlete or the popular guy; my brother took that spot. I was the smart one, so I gained control over my life by eliminating anything out of the ordinary."

"Nerd. You have a brother?"

"Shut up, and yes, I do, although we're not close. He's eight years older and lives somewhere overseas." We emailed sometimes, mostly at holidays. The last time I'd heard from him was through a postcard when Chelsea was born. My relationship with my brother was something I hoped would never be brought up again.

"Do I know him?"


"So, you really don't talk at all? What about your parents?"

"My parents live in California; they are nice people but not affectionate at all."

"Sullivan. Your name sounds like you come from money."

"I did; my grandfather owned a shipping company. Rita, can we not talk about my family right now? I'm trying to tell you I love you."

She gasped sharply and pushed herself away from me, and I knew she was trying to look at my face to read my expression. Too bad the darkness was her enemy this time because she would see how dead ass serious I was. It was time I admitted the truth. To her and to myself.

"James, I shouldn't have said all those things."

"It doesn't matter. I was trying to say I like my life in order, and you are a beautiful disaster that throws all my meticulous planning out the door, and I love every single part of you."


"No, listen to me, I want you to promise me that no matter where this goes, you'll remember it. With or without your memories, you'll remember I love you."

I pushed her harder into my chest to reinforce my words. I'd set it in stone if I had to because there might be a day when those words were my only lifeline.

"You talk like something bad is about to happen." Her voice was small and insecure; my reaction was too swift.

"No, I just want you to be sure."

In the next second, I was thrown on my back with Rita's legs circling my torso and her plump lips tracing lines on my neck. She lit my system on fire in a few short moments.

"Fuck, Rita."

"That's exactly what I'm going to do, James."

I knew she could feel my erection growing and pushing on her ass. From the hip roll she gave me, I knew she liked it.

"James, I want to see you."

Complying, I reached for the lamp with soft light on the nightstand and turned it on, finding her compelling black eyes sparkling with desire.

"Hello, beautiful."

"You're beautiful too, you know." She raised her hand to trace the lines on my face, like she was searching for something. "Your face is perfect, a little soft, a little rugged."