Page 20 of Chicago Code Black

"I can tell you everything you need to know, the layout of the house, where you can find things. I'm right here with you. You said something about a redecoration earlier?"

"Umm...I just...Why the hell everything is only blue and ivory? Was I sick or something?"

I couldn’t contain my happiness when I saw a ray of her fire showing.

"Most of the things came with the house." Avery was too uninterested to change much around the place. "I think a renovation sounds great. We can start fresh."

"I mean, I wouldn't change everything. I just think a pop of color here and there would make the place more beautiful."

"And here is our first project."

The rest of the day passed in peace. Zach called a couple times just to piss the fuck out of me - his words - and he succeeded. The jackass still believed I was knocking boots with an unknown Bostonian. London was definitely excited about my "dating." She was pushing for me to get back in the game since the week Avery left. If she only knew...

Rita and Chelsea finally started to click. After her nap, my baby was a sugar cube like always and spent all her time stuck to me and Rita. She sat in Rita's lap, played with her necklace and even leaned in for a hug. My heart skipped a beat every time I saw Rita watching my daughter with her warmth. Like a mother should.

Don't get me wrong, I still felt like crap for tricking Rita, but right then, Chelsea was asleep in her arms, and we were ready to put her down for the night, but Rita looked like she was not ready to do it yet.

"She's sound asleep, love, you don't have to hold her anymore."

"I just wanna make sure bebe is really, really asleep."

"She's been sleeping for half an hour, baby, but it's ok if you want to stay a little more."

"I just can't stop looking at this beautiful child. How can I forget making something so pure and sweet? Actually, James, I'm shocked I managed to do something so perfect in the first place. You know how soy un fracaso."

Her Spanish was adorable. I didn’t know if Rita realized when she switched between languages, but it happened a few times today.

"Did you just say you're a freckle?"

She put baby Chelsea in her white princess crib and turned to me, confused.

"Why would I say I'm a freckle?"

I just shrugged and smiled her way.

"You don't speak any Spanish, James?"

"No, love, I'm sorry, but I was never good at learning a foreign language. By the time we met, I just abandoned the idea of being a polyglot all together. But I know I like it when you speak Spanish. It sounds really hot."

"Oh really?" We walked outside the nursery and she stopped to look at me with her arms crossed at her chest. "I just said I'm a loser. Is that a turn you on for you?"

My heart dropped when I heard her. It didn’t sit well with me that a woman so beautiful and so resilient could think so little of herself. I threw Rita in a whole new life, gave her a baby to raise and in less than a day, she’d been able to put my daughter to sleep and was making plans to repaint the house. Like nothing happened. Like I didn't steal her away to feed my wretched needs.

"You are amazing from the tip of your fingers to the last hair on your head. Please, refrain from saying anything less about yourself."

Her eyes grew, looking at me with doubt. This was when I knew that my mission from now on was to make her see the piece of heaven that she really fucking was.

"I did a lot of stupid things."

"We all did." Out of instinct, I took a few steps forward and took her in my arms, feeling her curvy body molding into mine. "Stop with the bullshit, love."

"You smell nice."


She traced the contour of my neck with her nose, inhaling my scent, and I hugged her tighter, taking pleasure in the small gesture, but all my movement stopped when I felt her tongue on my skin. The wet sensation was paralyzing.

"The baby is down for the night; maybe it’s time for mommy and daddy to go to bed too." Her voice was playful and inviting, and the suggestion was clear. Not knowing how to react, I kissed her forehead and then stepped back to look at her.