Page 104 of Chicago Code Black

"Zach, what's going on?"

"We need to evacuate?" he said and looked around the room in alarm. "Stay close to me."

"Zachary, you are scaring the shit out of me."

People were running around, some looking busy, some screaming, some crying...

An older woman who looked like a CEO but wore a white doctor coat walked across the shiny floor and barked orders at a huge group that looked like a security team. Zach took my hand and bolted to her, dragging me along.

"Chief! Is this Code for real?"

"Zachary, please, you have to go outside to safety now." Safety? Why weren’t we safe right here?

"So it's true?"

"Yes, there is an active shooter in the hospital." All the blood drained from my body, and Zach, big, bad Zach, turned white as a sheet.


"Zachary, get out. That's an order!"

"WHERE, CHIEF?!" His roar made the big windows shake in their frames.

"The surgical floor."

Surgical? A million shivers hit me when I realized that was where James was. And he was with London.

Zach sprinted to the stairs with the speed of a thunderbolt while the woman called his name and security followed. It took three people to stop him and put him down.

"Chief, take your dogs off of me. My wife is there."

"Police are on their way."

"If something happens to her..."

If something...if...what if...

I was paralyzed with fear. Paralyzed.

I think Zach called my name.

Someone was carrying me. I was moving, but I didn’t feel my feet.

Barricades. Police. Sirens. Yellow tape.

Zach was cursing a lot. He pushed someone, someone in a uniform. That couldn’t be good.

A million things were happening, and I didn’t understand any of them. All I knew was that the man I loved was inside. I kept watching the door, but he didn’t come out.

The man I loved. I loved him with everything in me.

There was a bullet standing between me and the man I loved.


Almost half an hour. Twenty-six fucking minutes from hell. I knew because I'd counted every poisonous second. No one came in, and no one, not a single soul came out the hospital doors in twenty-six minutes. There were police everywhere and special forces teams climbed on the was like we had landed in the middle of a Bruce Willis dystopian movie.

Why was I such a magnet for catastrophe? It seemed like everything in my path was meant to inflict pain, only this time, I was not the only victim.