Page 101 of Chicago Code Black

"Oh, yeah, London is his nurse."

He started walking, and I followed. When we got out of the ER, the landscape changed; everything was clean and pretty, glass walls and comfortable seats everywhere. This hospital was really worth the medical bills.

"Is the whole hospital so damn fancy? Because what I've seen looks more like an office building."

"The west wing and this central entrance, yes, but everything else, umm, not so much."

"They only had money to do half?"

"Oh, no, everything is top notch. Technology, rooms, lab, everything. But on the West wing are more offices and consult rooms, and on the other side, we have the surgical floor, the ER and ICU. Things get messy all the time." Made sense. "What's with the sudden interest?"

We stopped in front of a coffee cart, and he ordered for both of us. I was surprised he remembered how I liked to drink it: espresso with two brown sugars.

"Well, I don't know, James works here, and I always felt a little out of my zone when it came to his job. From what I know, he is a surgical god."

"Your man is the best neurosurgeon in this part of the world. He mastered techniques that only a handful of people in the world have."

"He's so young." Every time I heard about a good doctor, they were fifty if a day and grumpy like bears, but not James. Med school was long; he must have been a genius, a legit genius, to accomplish all of this in such a short time.

"Yeah, don't tell anyone, but we were major nerds in college."

"I figured, but when did you find time to go to the gym and get buffed." Because they both worked out three times a week, no matter what. I'd seen James leaving to meet Zach for boxing after missing a full night of sleep.

"Sports help oxygenizes your brain. It's all part of the process, babe. Let's sit here and I'll page London where to come when they're over."

"Hey, why are you guys at work? You just got married."

"We have a couple weeks off, but today, they needed hands. Some douchebag ran over a bunch of pedestrians."

"No way! Please tell me he's in jail."

"Sullivan is drilling in his skull as we speak."

Oh, how delightful.

"Do you want to talk about the elephant in the room?" he asked, watching me over his steaming cappuccino cup.

"Aren't I the elephant in the room?"

"I was talking about your sudden departure yesterday. Did you even stay for cake?"

I laughed and slapped my forehead, actually feeling relaxed for the first time since...since.

"Man, you are so...I left right after the ceremony."

"Sorry, I didn't look for you, miss selfish, but I was kinda busy, you know, getting married with the love of my life, giving her my undivided attention in the single most important day of our lives." His eyebrow was crooked, but the smile never left his eyes.

"Yeah, ok. I remembered, you know."

"I know."

Oh, this surprised me. Jessica and Wendy were pretty much clueless when I showed up at their door sulking.

"James told you?"

"On my wedding day? No, he tried to play it cool, told everybody you had a migraine, but I can see right through him. How do you feel about it?"

"You lied to me, jerk. I can't believe you told your best friend what he did was ok."