Page 89 of Demon the Unveiling

Lily nodded, seemingly satisfied with his answer, but I couldn't shake the unease coiling in my stomach, the worry that prickled like static. Lily chatted a bit more with Ash, flirting with him again, but I remained silent. Had Alastor drunk too much because of me? The nagging feeling in my gut told mehe had, and guilt filled me once again. Trying to shake it off, I followed Lily up the steps into the private jet that belonged to the Concordia.

The interior of the jet felt like a sanctuary from the world, its plush seats and dim lighting a stark contrast to the glaring airport lights. Lily guided me through the entranceway near the cockpit down a narrow corridor to the heart of the plane. The cabin stretched out before us, a blend of luxury and function.

"Let's sit here!" Lily plopped down into a seat next to the window, patting the cushion beside her with an expectant grin. We set our bags down nearby and I sank down into the leather chair, enjoying the coolness against my body after the heat outside. The jet was very pleasantly air conditioned, and if I hadn't been worried about how Alastor was going to act when he saw me, I would have been quite enjoying myself. As it was, I wasn’t even sure if he wouldn’t just throw me off the plane when he arrived. I doubted he was going to give me that glowing report after what I said to him last night, and as for keeping me on the team…

I glanced sideways at Lily who was chattering away about the mission, and the journey back, and other things I couldn’t quite catch as she jumped from subject to subject, and I felt quite sad at the thought of being knocked off the team and not seeing the others again. Especially Lily and Theo. I twisted around, looking for the others. Towards the back of the room, Cole sat at a table with his laptop already open. He leaned forward now and then, frowning as he studied whatever it was that was on his screen, before scribbling something down in a notebook. I smiled at the way his brows furrowed when he concentrated hard. Carlisle sat opposite Cole with a novel, but now and again he’d glance up at Cole and the two would mutter about something before returning to what they were doing. Opposite where we were sitting, a long leather sofa lay across one side of the plane,and Theo was stretched out over it, snoring quietly. Everything seemed quiet and peaceful, but Alastor's absence made me edgy. I wished he’d just arrive and get it over with, if he did mean to kick me off.

"Hey, Earth to Sariel," Lily nudged me gently, her brow furrowed with concern. "You're miles away. What's up? You’ve been quiet all morning.”

“I was just wondering where Alastor was,” I said, turning back to her.

“He’ll be here, I’m sure he already is. He's probably out there talking to Ash or the pilots. Why?”

"I'm just... worried about Vegas," I confided.

"Vegas?" Lily turned to face me fully. "What about it?"

"Once we land," I said, "everything changes. This mission might be done, but what happens next?”

Lily smiled. "Alastor said you're staying on the team, so he'll look after you."

"I'm not sure if I'm staying on the team, or even if I'll stay in Vegas. And if I do, I have nowhere to go," I confessed, the reality of my situation settling like a cold stone in my chest.

Lily's eyes softened, her hand reached out to squeeze mine. "Of course, you'll stay on the team. Alastor was raving about how you saved everyone. You were essential."

"Did he?" I murmured, my gaze fixed on a spot on the floor where the carpet had frayed. The notion should have been comforting, but instead, it twisted in my stomach. Had he told her that before or after I nearly slept with him then told him he wasn’t good enough for me. "I'm not so sure about that, Lily. Not about the team or even Vegas." I let out a humourless chuckle. "And even if I did stay, where would I go? I don't exactly have a place lined up."

"Come on, Sariel." Lily's tone softened, and she reached out, giving my hand a gentle squeeze. "You know Alastor wouldn't leave you hanging."

"Maybe." I glanced toward the cockpit, half-expecting Alastor to emerge with that stern look that somehow always made me feel seen.

"Alastor will figure something out for you," Lily said. "You won't be homeless or anything."


"Girl, if I had room at Cole's place, I'd drag you there myself. But there’s only two bedrooms, so unless you’re sharing beds with one of us it would have to be the couch." Her grin was infectious, and I couldn’t help but smile.

I raised an eyebrow, tipping my head to the side. "Wait, why are you living with Cole if you two aren't... you know?"

"Ah, that question." She laughed, but it was tempered by a shadow of something darker. "Cole and Alastor got me out of a nasty bind a few years back. Alastor's bedsit is barely enough space for him, let alone another stray, so Cole offered me his spare room until I could find my feet again." She shrugged, a wistful note sneaking into her voice. "Turns out, we clicked like a lock and key. Never did get around to leaving."

"Must be nice," I murmured, thinking of the barracks back home.

“Well, he lives in a five-star apartment above his nightclub and sex club, so it’s pretty damn perfect, yeah.”

My eyes widened and I swung round to look at Cole as Lily laughed again. “He’s an incubus demon, Sariel. And he’s been around a long time. Combine a billionaire with a guy who needs a lot of sex and boom - Cole Warrens. And the clubs are just like him - dark, sexy and real sophisticated. I’ll take you sometime. We’ll make a night of it.”

“A night at the…” My eyes widened further and my mouth fell open. A sex club. Cole had an actual sex club where humans went to… do all kinds of things I had no idea about, and Lily wanted to take me. I blinked, trying to control the places my rapidly warping mind was going to.

Lily grinned. “Relax, Sariel, I meant I’d take you to the nightclub, not the sex club. Though if you ever want to extend your education, just let me know.”

“I think I’m good,” I said, trying not to show the breath I was letting out in relief. “But I could maybe manage the nightclub.”

She smiled at me. “Awesome!” She cocked her head to one side and studied me for a moment. “You know, maybe it is time I gave Cole some breathing room.”

“What do you mean?” I asked, glancing down as the plane's engines kicked up a notch and the vibrations travelled up through my boots from the floor.

“Well, I was thinking maybe you and I could get a place together, away from the guys. A bedroom each, clean bathroom. Sound good?”