Page 90 of Need

With his shirt completely unbuttoned, I released the buttons on his cuffs and he rose to help me push the material from his shoulders and down his arms. The movement brought us very close, our naked chests brushing. I felt a shiver run through me.

He must have noticed my reaction. As he leaned back to lie on the bed once again, he was smirking, amusement danced in his eyes. I blushed, and turned to concentrate on his pants.

Stephan always wore a suit to work, and today had been no different. His pants were soft and smooth. The fabric was thin, and it didn’t hide the evidence of his arousal. While the sight of him, in and of itself, didn’t scare me anymore, I was nervous about having him put his penis inside me. I tried to imagine what it would feel like and I couldn’t. His fingers had felt much better than I’d expected, better than how mine had felt.

“What are you thinking?” he asked.

Oh. I looked up and back down at my hands. They were resting on the top of his slacks, both the button and the zipper still fully in place. “I was wondering how it will feel.”

“How sex will feel?”


“I don’t know how it will feel for you, Brianna,” he said, rubbing a hand comfortingly on my leg. “I imagine it will be similar to how my fingers felt for you, but I don’t think it will be exactly the same.”

I nodded. That made sense. I pressed my lips together and returned to my task. He’d told me to undress him, and so far, all I’d done was remove his shirt.

The button on his pants sprung easily, and the zipper helped itself halfway down before I’d even touched it with the pressure he was putting on it from underneath. I unzipped it the rest of the way, and he lifted his hips so I could push his pants down his legs. While I was down at his feet, I removed his socks, leaving him lying only in his boxers. He looked... handsome. Sexy? Yes, sexy, lying there. A warmth spread through my chest, followed by a tingly feeling in my belly.

I climbed back on the bed smiling. He smiled back.

His boxers were hung up on his penis, and it bobbed several times before it sprung free. I didn’t have much time to think about it, though. “Come here,” he said, as soon as I put his boxers with the rest of our clothing.

I scrambled back onto the bed, and knelt beside him. But that wasn’t what he wanted. He reached out and pulled me down beside him. His bare skin against mine felt really good. He was warm and soft, yet hard at the same time, and I could feel his penis between us pressing just above the junction of my legs.

He twisted one hand in my hair, while the other slid down between our bodies and began playing with my breasts. His lips brushed against my own as he hummed. “You are so very beautiful, and I’m honored you are allowing me to make love to you, my lovely girl.”

His mouth went to work, first on my mouth, and then trailing down my body. He lingered on my breasts. It was the first time he’d taken them in his mouth and the feeling wasn’t like any I remembered. Even when he used his teeth on my nipple, it was pleasant in the same way his fingers were sending a surge of energy down low in my belly.

When he was once again kneeling between my legs, he licked and kissed as he had before, making my head spin. This was what it was all about, I realized. This was what people in the books I’d read craved and this was why they craved it.

The stirring of my climax began to build yet again. I couldn’t believe I hadn’t ever felt this way before Stephan, but in a way, I was glad. He seemed to love this and it was something I could give to him and love at the same time.

Just when I was about to reach my peak, he stopped. Before I could even think, however, he was there, lying on top of me. His weight felt good, but it was scary at the same time. I kept my eyes on him as he’d asked, and he was watching me closely.

I watched as he reached over to his nightstand and opened the drawer. His hand disappeared for a second, and reappeared with a blue square. I knew what it was. A condom.

My eyes followed his movements as he opened the package and rolled the condom down his penis. I’m not sure why, but that made it more real for me than it had been only a minute before when he’d been between my legs.

He readjusted himself on top of me. The moment I felt his penis, I jumped. “Shh. You’re okay. What number?”


“Relax and stay with me. You’re really wet so he should just slide right in as long as you don’t tense up, okay?”


“Deep breath now.” I did as he said. “Again.”

The breathing helped. And after a few more, I did feel more relaxed.

Instead of plunging right in, however, he took his penis and rubbed it up and down my slit. I could feel the moisture as it coated him. His knuckle kept brushing against my clit and eventually I started to feel that heat again.

Then I felt it. Him. His gaze was intense, his face set in a mask of concentration. I knew he probably wanted to thrust inside me hard and fast, but he didn’t. Instead, he pressed in a little and stopped, waiting, before going again and stopping. It was a slow progression, but it helped me more than I would ever be able to explain to him. So far, this was worlds apart from my other experiences.

His pelvis was against my clit, and I knew he must have been all the way inside. He stilled, and searched my face for something. “Number?”

I took a breath and let it out. “Two.”