Page 8 of Need

“You’re welcome.” Her response the shy whisper I often received from her.

I looked over at my computer and saw that Lily would arrive in a few minutes. “I was calling to see if you would be available to have lunch with Lily tomorrow.”

“Yes,” she whispered.

“Good. I’m meeting with her in a few minutes, and I’ll let her know to swing by and pick you up. Maybe you two could go out.”

“I don’t...”

“If you want to go to school this fall, Brianna, you’re going to have to get used to being around people. Lily will keep you safe.”

“I know,” she said. “Okay.”

There was a knock on my door. Lily peeked in, her arms holding the food Jamie ordered for us. “I need to go,” I told Brianna. “I’ll see you tonight when I get home.”

She said a shy goodbye and hung up.

Lily walked into the room and placed the food on the small table between two chairs I had set up in the corner of my office. I stood up from behind my desk and made my way over to sit opposite her. “How are you, Lily?”

Her eyes met mine for a second longer than normal before she said, “Fine.” She paused for a few moments before giving me a rueful smile. “I’d be better if you’d get rid of Karl.”

I reached down and picked up a sandwich. Lily did the same. “Causing problems again?”

“He’s just annoying. Hovering. It’s like he feels he has to double-check everything I do.” Then she waved me off. “I’m just complaining,” she said. “Don’t mind me.”

I trusted Lily to tell me if there really was an issue. “You were looking for me yesterday,” I said, giving her an opening.

“I wanted to know how Brianna was doing.”

“She’s confused, which is to be expected.”

“Was she upset?” Lily asked.

I thought about that for a minute. “No. She wasn’t upset. Scared, yes, but not upset.”

We continued to eat our lunch in silence for a few minutes before I started speaking again. “I told her I’d like for her to be my submissive.” Lily stopped eating. “I’d like you to talk to her. Tell her what it’s like. Answer her questions.”

“Of course,” she answered. “Whatever she needs.”

“I was hoping you’d say that,” I said and smiled at her. “Are you free for lunch tomorrow? I thought that maybe you two could go out. She needs to be around people more.”

“Lunch is perfect. I need to stop at the hotel that’s hosting the foundation’s fall fundraiser anyway. I’ll pick her up on the way and we can eat there. It will be perfect!”

“What time should I tell her to expect you?”

She hummed as she mentally went through her schedule for the next day. “Have her ready by eleven forty-five. The hotel is only about ten minutes from your place.”

We finished our food and Lily stood to leave. “Were you able to find a dress for Brianna?” I asked.

“I did,” she beamed. “I’ll bring it with me and she can try it on. I can’t wait to see what she thinks.”

“Just go easy, Lily. Saturday is going to be a big step for her.”

“You know me,” she said and winked.

“Yes,” I said dryly as she sauntered from my office. “That would be the point.”
