Page 54 of Need


I rolled over the next morning and looked down. To my surprise, Brianna was gazing up at me with wide eyes. The blanket I’d given her was pulled up to her chin, and I could see the apprehension in her eyes. “Good morning, Brianna.”

“Good morning, Sir.”

Although I’d not missed the ‘Sir’ she’d tacked on at the end of her sentence, I let it slide. I wanted to see if she continued to use it once she realized I was no longer upset with her. Her correction was still in effect, but I wasn’t going to chastise her again as long as she followed through.

Flipping the covers back and sitting up, I saw her swallow nervously. Her eyes were no longer looking at my face. They were now focused on my lap where my morning erection stood proud.

I chose to ignore her reaction and stood, stretching. “I’m going to shower. Fold your blanket and place it and your pillow back on the dresser, then go to your own room and get ready for the day. You have thirty minutes, and then you are to meet me in the kitchen.” Without waiting for her to respond, I walked over to my dresser, pulled out a fresh pair of boxers, and walked into my bathroom.

Contrary to my normal evening showers, the one this morning was quick. I addressed the throbbing between my legs by turning on the cold water. My focus had to be on Brianna today, and not in a sexual way. She needed me.

Before I walked out into the main room, I glanced at the clock beside my bed. I’d taken my time getting ready to give her the full thirty minutes. Six twenty-five. Perfect.

I tossed my suit jacket over my arm, and strolled out of my bedroom. My eye immediately went to the kitchen, but I didn’t see Brianna. Stopping to listen, I didn’t hear her moving around in her bedroom either. Glancing inside the open door, I noticed that both her bedroom and bathroom lights were off. She had to be here somewhere. Throwing my jacket over the back of the couch, I crossed to the kitchen and nearly stumbled over her. Brianna was kneeling, waiting for me, beside the island.

Instead of saying anything, I reached out my hand hoping she’d take it. It took a few minutes, but eventually she lifted her hand and fitted it into mine.

Once she was on her feet, I guided her over to the couch. “Why were you kneeling?

“You told me to wait for you, Sir.”

“Brianna, do we have to go through the conversation about you ending every sentence with my title again?” I raised one eyebrow in question, waiting for her answer.

She shook her head. “No.”

“Good girl. Now, explain to me how my telling you to wait for me in the kitchen translated into you kneeling.”

“I thought... I thought that was what you... wanted.”

She’d been looking down at her lap, but I wanted her eyes on my face when I spoke, so I lifted her chin up. Her gaze followed. “I promise you that I will be more than clear when I wish for you to kneel for me. You seem to be under the impression that I am angry with you. I’m not. Am I disappointed? Yes. Very much so. I thought we’d come far enough that you would tell me if something was wrong. Apparently, I was wrong.”


The last thing I wanted was to hear she was sorry. “If you’re truly sorry, fix it.”

She pressed her lips together. I knew there was something she wanted to say, so I waited. “How do I fix it?”

“By not making the same mistake again. You need to tell me when something is bothering you. I can’t read your mind.”

She nodded.

“How did you sleep last night?”

“All right,” she said.

I waited for her to continue, but she didn’t. “You need to give me more than that, Brianna. Did you have any trouble falling asleep? Did you have any dreams? Nightmares? How did you feel about being made to sleep on the floor next to my bed?”

She glanced back down at her lap before she answered me. “A little,” she shrugged. “I don’t remember any dreams or nightmares.” She pressed her lips together before she continued. “I... I don’t know how I feel about sleeping by your bed. It... wasn’t what I was expecting.”

I chose to ignore the fact that she’d had some trouble falling asleep for now. That could be due to the stressful evening. Instead, I directed the conversation to her last few sentences. Those seemed to be weighing the most on her mind. “What were you expecting?”

She shook her head quickly.

Taking hold again of her chin, I stopped her motion. Her eyes were wide as she looked at me, but I waited.

“I know you said... that you wouldn’t... but...” She closed her eyes. “Whenever I slept on the floor beside a man’s bed it was so he could... use me.”