Drew couldn’t disagree. Excited to find out what Beth had in mind, he waited to see what she’d do next.

“I want you to pick out five of these that you’d like to try,” she said, pointing to the array of impact devices along the wall. Beth turned to look him in the eye. “No scene. And you can keep your clothes on. But I want you to have an idea what they feel like.”

“All right.” Walking over to the wall, he scanned his choices. Some of the toys were scarier than others. There was a lot of leather, of course.

He knew he liked the flogger that Beth had used on him on Wednesday night. After their shower, he’d had the chance to get a better look at it. There were a few on the wall that appeared to be of similar construction, but there were plenty that had obvious differences. One had knots tied into the ends of the falls.

“That one has more bite to it than the one I used on you the other night,” she said.

Drew nodded and moved on. The thing he’d loved most about being flogged was that it was a solid thud against his back. While he hadn’t minded the leather strap she’d used on his ass, it had felt a lot different from the flogger. There was a sting to it that Drew wasn’t sure he was crazy about. “I think I’ll skip it, then.”

Beth hummed.


She smiled. “Nothing.”

Something told Drew that whatever she was thinking, he wasn’t going to like it.

Shaking it off for now, he removed a wooden paddle and a flogger that looked heavier than the one Beth had used. He placed them on the table and then returned to his task. Drew knew from watching what went on at the club that no two implements were exactly the same, even if they looked similar. Every subtle variation made a difference.

For that reason, he tried not to stray too far from what he’d tried on Wednesday. His next two selections were made of leather. One was flat with three flaps that overlapped. The other was also flat, but it had a slit down the middle. Drew couldn’t remember what it was called, but he’d seen it used before. Reactions from the subs had varied, which made him curious.

With only one item left to be chosen, he altered his original goal—to stick to the somewhat familiar—and ventured over to the selection of canes. John liked canes. A lot. Then again, John also enjoyed having his testicles tortured. That thought alone almost made Drew reconsider, but again, he was drawn by curiosity. This would be the perfect time to gauge if it was something he wanted to move up on his list or place in the ‘hell no’ column. Before he could talk himself out of it, Drew took one of the canes from the rack and placed it on the table beside the other toys.

Beth stood at the other end of the table and ran her hand over a couple of the toys. “Interesting choices.”

“Good interesting or bad interesting?” he asked.

She ran her hand over three of the toys. “Just interesting. I figured you’d pick a flogger. You seemed to enjoy that quite a lot the other night. Almost as much as you liked me tying you up.”

Again, Drew couldn’t disagree. Although, there really wasn’t anything they’d done so far that he’d disliked. He wasn’t sure the leather strap would ever make it onto his favorite list, but one never knew. After conversing with people at the club, he’d learned that preferences evolved over time. What he didn’t care for now could be his favorite thing in a few years.

While he’d pondered, Beth had strolled to the center of the room. She glanced up, and Drew followed her gaze to a set of cuffs hanging from chains.

“I’m not going to cuff you tonight, but I do want you to hold onto the ends. It will ensure that you keep your hands out of the way and help you hold position.”

That made sense. He walked over to stand next to her and reached up to take hold of the dangling cuffs.

Beth ran a hand down the length of his back before cupping his backside. “I’ll give you four swats with each, two on each cheek, so you can tell me what you think of them.”

He nodded.

She removed her hand, and Drew wanted to call her back. There was something about her touch that affected him in an elemental way. It made his pulse quicken, yet was comforting at the same time. He’d heard about the intense connection that could develop between subs and their Dominants. Even though their relationship was new, he felt it. Drew could only imagine what it would be like once they’d been together for a while.

“Are you ready?” she asked.

Drew couldn’t see her. She was standing behind him on his left side. That didn’t mean he couldn’t feel her. “I’m ready. Do your worst.”

Beth laughed and a second later, a loud smack reverberated in the room as she landed the wooden paddle against his right ass cheek. She rubbed her hand over the area she’d hit and leaned in to whisper in his ear. “It’s never wise to tempt your mistress.”

Three more quick hits of the paddle and he was beginning to feel the burn. By the time she picked up the fourth implement, he was starting to think she was right. Issuing your mistress a challenge moments before she was going to take a paddle to your ass probably wasn’t the smartest decision he’d ever made in his life.


Chapter 23

Beth had to hand it to Drew. He’d taken everything she’d given him. Which, granted, would have been worse had she ordered him to remove his clothing. As it was, he’d be feeling the aftereffects of their evening for the rest of the night, at least.