“I figured. Somehow, I don’t think Drew is all that into exhibitionism.”

“He’ll get over it.”

Although Drew didn’t strike her as a man who had issues with his body, it was one thing to be comfortable in your own skin. It was another to have a dozen people watching you get your rocks off. “We’ll have to talk it over. Honestly, it’s not even something I’m thinking about yet. We need to get through our first scene before we add anything else to the mix.”

“Something holding you up? I would have thought you two would jump right into it.”

“His schedule. He’s in the middle of a rotation,” Beth said, figuring Nicole would understand since she knew how their scheduling worked.

“Makes sense. It wouldn’t be good if he experienced subdrop in the middle of a shift.”

The thought had crossed Beth’s mind. She worried about his safety enough as it was. It was one of the reasons she’d asked him to spend the night. “We’re going to try on Wednesday evening. He’s coming over for dinner, and then we’ll see how things go from there.”

“I’m happy for you.”

“Yeah, well, don’t count your chickens yet. He might realize after he gets a full taste of submission that he doesn’t like it.”

Nicole let out a noise that sounded somewhere between a whine and a snort. “You actually believe that?”

“It could happen.”

“And pigs could fly.”

She was right. It was a long shot. Especially given his reaction to being bound. “I know you’re right. I just—”

“Stop worrying. Things are going great, right? Just go with it.”

“I’ll try.”

Nicole sighed. “Don’t try. Do.”

Beth rolled her eyes. “Okay, Obi-Wan.”

“I supposed I should give you credit for at least getting the movie reference.”

“Why, thank you so much for your generosity.” Beth chuckled and went to put her empty bowl in the dishwasher. She glanced over at the clock and was surprised to see how late it was. “I should probably let you go and get myself ready for bed.”

“You do want to be fully rested for your big night tomorrow.”

Beth groaned. “Don’t put more pressure on me than I already feel.”

Nicole laughed. “Good night.”

“Good night.”

It took Beth several minutes to walk through the lower level of her house and make sure everything was turned off and locked up for the night. As her day wound down and she got ready for bed, she couldn’t help remembering the previous night.

She slid beneath the covers and reached for the pillow Drew had used. A faint hint of his smell still lingered on her sheets. And if she closed her eyes, she could almost imagine him there, lying beside her again.

Beth was surprised how right it had felt for him to be in her bed. The first time Ben had spent the night with her, it had been awkward. He’d been restless, which in turn had caused her to be restless as well.

Drew, however, had no issues falling asleep in her bed. He’d rolled over, curled up against her back, and fallen asleep within minutes. His comfort had in turn made it easy for her to relax and drift off to sleep herself. She hadn’t been plagued by self-consciousness or uncertainty as she had with Ben. Then again, all her cards were on the table with Drew. He knew she was a Domme and liked to be the one calling the shots in their sexual relationship. She hadn’t tried to downplay her desires. Instead, she’d embraced them and so had he.

Tucking the pillow he’d used the night before under her chin, Beth turned onto her side, and closed her eyes. Drew would most likely spend the night tomorrow after their scene. While she realized it wasn’t good to be overly attached to him so soon, she already knew she was going to be helpless to stop it. Wise or not, her heart wanted Drew. She’d welcome him into her bed as often as she could have him.


“Any plans for your days off?” Baily asked to the room at large. The new shift had arrived so Drew and his crew were about to head home.