“Open your eyes. I want you looking at me.”

Drew did as she said, and he was so glad he did. Her eyes glazed over as she took him all in. He wouldn’t have wanted to miss that.

Once she had taken every inch of him, she began to move. First it was only a rocking motion. Then she rested her hands on his shoulders and began lifting and lowering herself on his cock. It was only by watching her face, knowing that he wanted her to get there first, that he kept his orgasm at bay.

Seeing her pleasure build was a fascinating sight. As she got closer, her eyelids drooped. Her head fell back, breaking their eye contact, and her mouth opened to form a silent O.

Her speed picked up and he had to close his eyes again to keep himself from coming. It was the only way.

Again, he felt it when she slipped her hand between them to touch herself. This time she used two fingers—one on each side of his erection—to rub. He forced his eyes open so he could see the motion of her hand as it moved.

Watching her hand was nearly his undoing. Knowing she was touching herself combined with the movement of his cock sliding in and out of her pussy made all the moisture leave his mouth. For the first time since she’d bound his wrists, he made a conscious effort to get free. He wanted to touch her. He wanted to hold her hips in his hands and impale her with his cock over and over until she exploded all over him.

Not only did her tie hold, but also his actions weren’t needed. Beth took what she wanted from him. She ground herself against him with a fierceness and abandon he’d never seen from a woman before outside porn. He knew porn was fake. Beth wasn’t faking. She was as caught up as he was.

Her breath hitched and her fingers picked up their pace. A few moments later, she released a strangled moan as her muscles pulsed around him. Her orgasm seemed to go on forever.

When she finally stilled and opened her eyes again, he was still hard and teetering on the edge. It wouldn’t take much to make him come.

Beth smiled and gave him a long, languid kiss. And while she kept their bodies joined, she remained amazingly still. He needed friction.

In that vein, Drew lifted his hips.

She broke the kiss and stood.

He nearly cried.

That is until Beth turned herself around and began to lower herself onto him again—this time giving him a prime view of her ass.


Beth had almost forgotten how much fun this was. Okay, that wasn’t true. She hadn’t forgotten. Not really. But she didn’t realize how much she’d missed this feeling of being in complete control of her pleasure as well as her partner’s.

Given that she had Drew exactly where she wanted him at the moment, she figured she’d provide him a nice view as she milked his cum from him. They’d talked about him being an ass man, and he’d more than proven it to be true over the short time they’d been together. At every opportunity, his hands went straight for her backside.

As soon as she seated herself on his cock again, his breathing picked up, and he began to buck his hips. She could only imagine how badly he wanted his hands free. It would be interesting to see how he felt about the restriction . . . after.

She braced her hands on his knees, and rocked in time with him. It felt good, and another orgasm began to build low in her belly.

His thrusts became more aggressive and she knew he was getting close. She shifted her weight to one hand and began massaging her clit.

“Please tell me you’re close. I don’t know if I can hold on much longer,” he panted.

Beth was close. Closer than even she realized.

Her second climax hit her without much warning. One moment she was climbing the peak, and then the next she was flying. She cried out as her orgasm claimed her.

A few moments later, as she was coming back down to earth, she realized Drew was chanting her name. Running her hands along his inner thighs, she nudged his balls out of the way, and began rubbing his perineum.

He went off like a rocket—her name left his lips in a gasp.

She gave him some time and then twisted around so that she could see his face. He looked up at her and blew out a shaky breath.

Beth chuckled and reached behind the chair to loosen the scarf. “I’m going to go clean up. I’ll be back in a minute.”

Drew nodded, and she lifted herself from his lap.

The loss she felt was frightening. She’d always enjoyed sex . . . even more so after she’d discovered kink. This was something altogether different.