Beth sighed. She hated when he called her that, but telling him did no good whatsoever. Tommy was twenty-three and felt the need to give everyone a nickname. She had to admit B was better than the first nickname he’d come up with for her—Bumble Bee.

Cutting the sandwich in half, Beth placed it along with chips and a homemade pickle on a plate and brought it out with her to give to Mr. Keller. “Here you go.”

He smiled back at her and took the sandwich. “Thank you, dear.”

Beth wiped her hands on her apron and started toward the counter where Tommy was chatting with someone. When she saw who it was, she grinned.

Then Beth noticed the man standing behind Nicole. Drew Parker.

No. No, no, no, no. This was not supposed to happen. He wasn’t supposed to be here. He wasn’t supposed to know anything about her life outside the club . . . the lifestyle.

The only thing that made her feel a little better was the look on Drew’s face. Clearly, he hadn’t been expecting to see Beth any more than she’d been expecting to see him.

“Nicole. What are you doing here?” Beth asked through gritted teeth.

Her friend acted as if nothing were amiss. “We were working in the area and got hungry. I told Captain Parker and his crew that I knew of a great place for lunch, so here we are.”

Beth was going to strangle her.

Putting on her best hostess smile, she tried to keep the irritation out of her voice. “What can I get you?”

Nicole ordered her usual, turkey on wheat, and then stepped aside so Drew could order. Beth tried really hard not to react to him, but it was impossible. Her heart was hammering in her chest. She hadn’t missed that he was wearing a polo shirt with the St. Louis Fire Department logo on it. They hadn’t talked about jobs the night before. Beth wasn’t sure how she felt about him being a firefighter.

That thought brought her up short. What the heck was she doing? What did it matter if he was a firefighter or not? It was his life. It had nothing to do with her.

“Hi,” Drew said.

“Hello.” She adjusted the straws displayed on the counter, and then stopped herself. Why was she fidgeting?

He smiled and cleared his throat. “I’ve never been here before. What’s good?”

“Everything’s good. We bake all our breads and pastries fresh daily.”

“Hmm.” Drew glanced up at the menu behind the counter. “I think I’ll try the pulled pork.”

“Make that two,” the man standing behind him said. The sad part was, Beth had completely forgotten about the rest of them.

“Sure. Two pulled pork sandwiches coming right up.” Beth swallowed and looked to the other two men. “And what can I get you two?”

The one on the far left spoke up first. “I’ll take a roast beef sandwich.”

“Turkey, please, ma’am,” the blonde said. In response, his buddy rolled his eyes.

Beth nodded absentmindedly. All she wanted to do was get out of there as soon as possible. “I’ll be out in a few minutes with those.”

Disappearing into the back, Beth helped Tommy with the sandwiches, and then made him take them out front. She hid in the kitchen until Tommy yelled for her again. “I’m busy.”

“Oh no, you’re not.” Beth looked up to find Nicole standing right inside the kitchen with her hands on her hips.

Reaching for the nearest towel, Beth began tidying up. “Yes, I am. Tommy was late this morning, and we’re behind. I’d like to get out of here at a decent time today.”

Nicole propped her hip against the metal counter less than a foot away from where Beth was pretending to clean. “That may be true, but it’s never stopped you from coming out to visit me for a few minutes.”

“You have people with you today. You don’t need me interrupting.”

Her friend shook her head and clicked her tongue in disapproval. “You can’t fool me, Beth Davenport. The only reason you’re hiding in here like a chicken is because of that man out there.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”