“There’re more people than I thought there’d be.”

She glanced in his direction as she took a sip of her water. “How did you find out about it?”

“Shawn. He’s a good friend, and he was my captain for seven years.” Drew couldn’t help smiling as he remembered some of the crazy stuff that had happened to them during the time they’d worked together. Shawn was like a brother to him. He was the same age as Drew’s brother, but unlike Seth, Shawn hadn’t pushed Drew aside. Shawn had taken Drew under his wing when he’d joined the fire department. Drew didn’t know if he would have made it through that first year if it hadn’t been for Shawn.

There was a knowing look on Beth’s face. “You’re close.”

“We are. I used to work with him a lot on our days off. It doesn’t happen much anymore, though.”

“That’s too bad. You should always have time for friends,” she said.

He nodded. “What about you? I know you and Nicole are pretty tight.”

Beth snorted. “Yeah. You could say that. I mean we were close before, but after . . . well, let’s just say if not for her, I’d still be sitting in front of my television in my PJ’s with a quart of rocky road ice cream.”

Drew wasn’t sure what to say to that. He knew she had to be referring to her ex, but the last thing he wanted to do on their first date was talk about what he knew was a sore subject for her. “Did you meet at the club?”

“We did. It didn’t take long for us to start hanging out outside Serpent’s Kiss, though. A girl always needs a shopping partner.”

He was glad to see that sparkle back in her eyes. The sun still glowed bright in the sky, and created a sort of halo around her face as she stared back at him.

“You’re so beautiful.” His voice was soft . . . reverent. “The way the sun is shining down on you, you look like an angel.”

She looked over her shoulder, and then leaned in close to whisper in his ear. “Is that what you want? For me to be an angel? I thought you were looking for something a little . . . naughtier?”

Her breath washed over him, and he shivered. Or maybe it was her words that caused his reaction.

Before he could figure it out, the band took the stage, and welcomed everyone to the show. Drew was listening, sort of, but he couldn’t take his eyes off Beth. She was smirking back at him. “Beth . . .”

She placed a single finger over his lips. “Later.”

There was a part of him that wanted to drag her back to the car and make out like a couple of teenagers. He wasn’t sure how well that would go over with Beth. It was the only thing that stopped him.

Taking a calming breath, he nodded.

Beth grinned and removed her finger.

The band began to play, and she turned her attention toward the stage. Drew, however, continued to watch her. Everything about Beth was appealing to him. He loved her eyes. When she looked at him, he felt as if he had an acrobat inside his stomach doing somersaults.

Of course, that didn’t lessen the effect her body had on him. Everything from the silkiness of her hair and how it flowed down around her shoulders, to the way the clothes she wore seemed to accentuate her curves. Whenever he was near her—and even when he wasn’t—he wanted to bury himself in her softness.

As if she knew he was thinking about her, Beth reached for his hand and brought it to rest on her lap. It looked completely innocent. And at first, it was. Then she shifted a little, spreading her legs. Heat he had only dreamed about radiated from between her legs. He closed his eyes and tried to keep from embarrassing himself.

“You okay?” she asked.

“Yes.” He didn’t open his eyes. He couldn’t. But he also wasn’t willing to remove his hand either.

“You sure?” He didn’t miss the amusement in her voice.

He glanced over at her. “You’re enjoying this.”

“Just a little.” There was no hiding her smile.

Drew sighed and tried to concentrate on the band. He couldn’t say he was very successful since it was impossible to ignore the woman sitting beside him.

It was getting close to eight thirty, and he could tell the concert was winding down. A few people who had chosen to sit closer to the back had already begun packing up their things.

“Did you want to stay ’til end?” he asked, hoping she was as ready to go as he was.