He took a deep breath, and plowed ahead. She’d made first contact. He was going to take a leap of faith.

Do you have plans?

Not really. - Beth

Did you want to catch a movie?

She didn’t answer back immediately.

Together? - Beth


There was another extremely long break in the exchange, and Drew was thinking he’d put his foot in his mouth again.

Friends? - Beth

He released a loud sigh of relief.

Of course.

All right. What time? - Beth

Drew was shaking with excitement. He could barely type his response back to her.

I just got home. Let me check movie times, and I’ll text you back. Anything you want to see?

I hate to admit this, but I don’t really know what’s out right now. Been a while since I’ve gone to the movies. -Beth

Okay. I’ll put together a few options.

As quickly as he could, Drew finished putting away his groceries, and then went to the bedroom to retrieve his laptop. It took him a few minutes to pull up movie times for nearby theaters. He wanted to give Beth as many options as possible, so he chose a location that boasted twenty-four screens. They had five different movies all starting within a half hour of each other. He figured he and Beth could find something suitable to watch from the choices.

He texted her back with the movie names and times.

Did you want me to pick you up?

She answered almost immediately.

No. I’ll meet you there. What time? - Beth

Now? LOL

Didn’t you work last night? Don’t you need to sleep? - Beth

I can sleep anytime.

You need your rest. 2? - Beth

Okay. I’ll see you at 2.

Sleep well, Drew. - Beth

I will. Now.

By the time Drew plugged his phone into the charger on his nightstand and slipped into bed, he felt as if his face would fall off from grinning so much. He had a date with Beth. Okay. Not a date. It was two friends going to see a movie together. Still, he was going to be spending time with Beth outside her work or the club. He couldn’t see a downside.

Unfortunately, his enthusiasm for his afternoon with Beth made for a restless sleep. Thank goodness it had been slow at work the night before or else he might have found himself dozing during the movie. That was unacceptable. Drew would have begged on his hands and knees for this time with Beth. He wasn’t going to waste it.