“Nope,” Beth said trying to suppress a smile. She wasn’t doing a very good job.

The next thing she knew, his hands were at her sides, and he was tickling her.

“Drew! What. Do You. Think. You’re. Doing?”

By the time he let up, she was gasping for air. And he was beaming down at her. He looked younger and more carefree than she’d ever seen him before, and her heart skipped a beat. This felt so natural. It didn’t feel as if they’d only been in her bed together a handful of times.

Before she could analyze what she was feeling too closely, Beth took hold of the back of his neck and pulled his mouth down to hers. She attacked his lips in a not-so-subtle reminder of who was in charge.

Beth didn’t release him for several minutes—not until she felt him press his weight against her. Even then, the look in his eyes held things she wasn’t ready for, so she averted her gaze and pretended to look at the clock. “We should get some sleep. I still have to work tomorrow.”

He moved, bringing his cheek to rest above her right breast. “I signed up to do some volunteer work in the morning, but I should be free after lunch. Would you like some help at the café again?”

“If you keep coming by to help, I’m going to have to put you on the payroll.” She ran her fingers through his hair as they talked. “Sure you don’t want another job?”

Drew snorted. “Thanks, but I think I’m good. You see, I have this girlfriend that keeps me pretty busy on my days off.”

“She does, does she?”

“Oh yeah. She’s a real slave driver.”

Beth pinched him, and he laughed.

“Remember you said that the next time I have you tied up,” she said.

His only response was to dip his head an inch or so and draw her nipple into his mouth.

She could have made him stop, but it felt too good. Besides, it was the perfect distraction to her thoughts and where they were leading. Taking hold of his wrist, she guided his hand between her legs. Beth opened herself to him and stopped thinking for a while.


Drew waved to Tommy as he ducked in behind some customers a little before one. Tommy nodded and then turned his attention back to the man standing in front of the counter. As usual, the café was busy. Drew only counted two empty tables and there were four people in line. It said a lot about Beth’s food. Since he’d eaten it several times himself, he knew what all the fuss was about.

Beth was standing at the sink washing her hands when he strolled into the kitchen. She looked in his direction.

“You made it.” The smile she gave him sent warmth spreading all the way down to his toes.

Unable to resist, he closed the distance between them, and gave her a kiss that was probably a little much for the workplace. Good thing he wasn’t her employee.

She released a contented sigh as his lips left hers.

He waited until she opened her eyes and then glanced around the kitchen. “Now, put me to work. What do you need me to do first?”

Put him to work she did. Within minutes, he was loading food on trays and taking them out to customers. Things didn’t slow down until it was nearly time to close. He liked working with Beth, mostly because every so often when she’d hand him a tray of food she would rise up on her tiptoes and give him a peck on the lips. It made the running back and forth worth it.

They were closing up when a woman stopped near the front of the café acting as if she wanted to come in but kept changing her mind.

“Beth.” Drew yelled loud enough to get her attention in the back.

“Yeah?” She appeared through the kitchen door, wiping her hands on a towel.

He tilted his head toward the front. The woman still looked unsure of herself. “Want me to see what she wants?”

Beth shook her head. “No. I got it.”

When the woman noticed Beth was heading her way, she froze. He’d seen that look before from people who were standing across the street watching their home burn. It was a deer in the headlights kind of look—a mixture of panic and something akin to disbelief.

“Can I help you?” Beth asked, cracking the door open.