“No. That was more me giving you a preview of what knife play is like without the actual knife.” Drew was quiet for several minutes, and she remained silent allowing him time to process what she’d said.


“That’s it, just interesting?”

Drew grinned down at her. “Well, my head is still spinning from that out-of-this-world orgasm I just experienced. Maybe I’ll be able to come up with something better in the morning.”

Although she really was curious to hear his thoughts, now that he had more insight on what she had in mind when she’d talked about knife play, she understood that he really did need time to recover.


She looked up at him. “Yes?”

“I never thought to ask before, but . . . what’s your full name? I figure since we’re now officially dating and you’re going to meet my family soon, I should probably know something like that.”

Burying her face in his shoulder, she couldn’t help but chuckle. Given what they’d just done it felt silly, but kind of appropriate, too. “Bethany Paige Davenport.”

“Bethany Paige,” he repeated. “I like it.”

She pinched his side and he laughed. “Glad you approve.”

Finished with his candy, he slid down lower on the bed, and took her with him. “I’d wondered if Beth was maybe short for Elizabeth, but for some reason, you didn’t strike me as an Elizabeth.”

Having his arms around her—feeling the warmth of his body—could easily become an addiction all its own. She couldn’t seem to get close enough. Luckily, Drew appeared to have the same problem.

“Mom had a friend in school named Bethany. She loved the name, so when she found out she was having a girl, Bethany it was.” Beth lifted her leg and wedged it between his, aligning their bodies even more. “Paige was my dad’s contribution.”

She left it at that, and he seemed to sense there was something more.

“There’s a story there.”

Beth shrugged. “Dad had a sister that died. From what I understand, she never made it home from the hospital, but they named her Paige. My dad was old enough to remember her.”

Drew kissed the top of her head. “It’s a good story.”

“Whenever someone asks, Dad just says it’s a family name. He never goes into detail.” She took a deep breath. “What about you? Since we’re talking names, is Drew short for Andrew?”

He nodded.

“What about a middle name?”

She felt the rise and fall of his chest beneath her before he answered. “Raymond.”

The way he said the name gave her the impression that he wasn’t a huge fan of his middle name. “Andrew Raymond Parker. I like it.”

“You wouldn’t if the only time it was ever used was when you were in trouble.”

Beth couldn’t hide her amusement. “Got in trouble a lot, did you?”

“I was a boy. Of course I got in trouble. It’s part of the job description.”

“Is that so?” She traced a line from his abdomen and along his hipbone. Placing her hand flat on his left butt cheek, she gave a gentle squeeze. “Sore?”

“Nothing I can’t handle. Although, I can feel it every time I move.”

“Good. Maybe it will remind you to keep that smart mouth of yours in check.”

Drew surprised her by rolling her over. “You love my smart mouth.”