When they reached the lobby, Beth dug in her heels and jerked on Drew’s arm to get his attention.

“What?” he asked.

She took a single step forward, pressing the length of her body against him. “You’re going to have to learn some patience.”

When he realized she wasn’t upset, he dipped his head and shot her a sheepish grin. “I’ll work on it.”

Beth responded with a smile that was anything but sweet and then went to retrieve her jacket from the coat check.

Bridget was still in the alcove. The young woman already had Beth’s coat in her hand by the time she approached.

“Thank you,” Beth said.

“You’re welcome. I hope you both enjoy the rest of your evening.”

It was no longer light out, and as they made their way to his car, Beth found herself searching the shadows. The conversation about Ben was making her paranoid. It was as if she was waiting for him to jump out from behind one of the bushes or something.

They arrived at Drew’s car and he opened her door for her. She gave him a peck on the lips and then slid into the passenger seat.

He waited until he was behind the wheel to say anything. “Did I do something wrong?”

She looked over at him and gave him a curious look. “No. Not that I know of. Why?”

“Just checking.” He turned on the engine and maneuvered the car out of the lot. “You seem like you have something on your mind. And to be honest, I’m not sure my ass can take another beating tonight.”

Beth let out a loud, very unladylike laugh.

Drew took her hand and brought it up to his lips. “I know I was . . . a little overzealous in there, but I couldn’t help it.”

“I noticed.” She placed her hand on his inner thigh and let it drift closer to his crotch. “But in this case, you’re safe. I love Serpent’s Kiss, but the things I want to do with you right now . . . well, I’d rather not have an audience.”

He swallowed and nodded.

They were both quiet the rest of the drive home. She didn’t remove her hand from where it lay less than an inch away from the bulge in his pants. It was only common sense that made her keep her hands to herself, and even that was pushing her limits. Beth pressed her legs together seeking the friction she needed but couldn’t have quite yet.

He pulled up to her house a few minutes past ten. Before she could blink twice, he was out of the car and standing there with his hand outstretched, ready to help her out of the vehicle. Beth took his hand, and they made their way up the front steps and into her house.

Once the door closed behind her, she turned to face him. “Go upstairs. Remove all your clothes, and lie face up on my bed. I’ll be there in a few minutes.”

Drew leaned down and gave her a kiss. It was soft and in some ways it destroyed her defenses more than all the hot and heavy make-out sessions. “Yes, Mistress.”

She remained rooted to her spot until she heard him moving around on the second floor. Taking what she hoped was a calming breath, Beth began making her nightly rounds to double-check that everything was secure before she turned in. She took her time even though the urge to race upstairs was eating at her. Drew was addicting, and if she wasn’t careful, Beth was going to find herself in a worse position than she’d been in before—a position where she couldn’t imagine her life without him.

For good measure, and to prove something to herself, she did a second walk-through of the lower level of her home. Then she strolled into the bathroom, took care of business, and washed up. Beth was stalling. She knew that.

Lifting her head, she took a long look at herself in the mirror that hung above the sink in her small half-bath. The past four months had been quite a transformation. She’d gone from someone who was relatively happy and content with her life, to someone who’d barely been able to get up in the mornings. There were no longer bags under her eyes from the restless nights, and a healthy color had returned to her cheeks. She felt normal again. Better, if she was being honest with herself.

She knew what, or who, in this case, was responsible for the drastic change. Beth had no doubt she would have rebounded on her own, but it would have taken time. Drew had coaxed her back into the land of the living. He’d made her think that there was still a possibility to have that future she’d dreamed of having. Granted, it starred a different leading man, but she was starting to think she’d cast the part all wrong the first time around. Ben wasn’t half the man Drew was, and he never would be.

Shooting one last look into the mirror, Beth turned off the light, and walked toward the stairs. She had a submissive waiting. Her submissive. And she was going to make sure he knew exactly who he belonged to before the night was over.


Drew lay on the bed looking up at the ceiling. He was trying to slow his heart, which seemed to be trying to beat its way out of his chest. Following Beth’s instructions, he’d gone upstairs, removed his clothes, and situated himself on her bed. The sheets scraped against his still tender backside. It added to his awareness. Not only of his own body, but of Beth as well—of what was still to come.

The sound of her feet on the stairs sent all efforts to slow his heart out the window. He turned his head toward the door, and his breath caught in his throat when he saw her enter the room.

She strolled over to where he lay and ran her hand down his chest to his thigh. His cock twitched as her hand came close, but she ignored it completely. Then she turned her back on him and opened the chest where she kept her toys. She’d showed it to him the evening before. It was a small collection compared to what could be found at the club, but more than enough for their personal use.