It took less than a minute for her bubble to burst. One by one everyone in the room turned their attention in Beth and Drew’s direction. “I guess this means the cat is officially out of the bag.”

He chuckled. “I’d say so.”

She straightened her shoulders. “Here goes nothing.”


Drew stayed by Beth’s side as she worked her way toward the bar. He glanced around to find that most of the people following their progress had smiles on their faces. When he caught sight of John, his friend gave him a thumbs-up. Seeing confirmation of John’s approval, and what appeared to be that of most of the club’s members, had Drew grinning from ear to ear. He picked up his pace and placed a reassuring hand on Beth’s lower back. She glanced over at him and then continued on.

Chad was behind the bar. Drew had only met him once before. Chad was okay, though. He didn’t joke around with the members as much as Brandon did, but he wasn’t part of the lifestyle either.

“Lady Beth, what can I get you this evening?” Chad greeted as she stepped up to the bar.

Drew stayed behind her, letting her lead.

“I’ll have a Coke and Sprite, please.” She turned to Drew. “What would you like?”

“Just a water. Thanks.” While he typically had a beer on the nights he came to the club, this evening was all about Beth. He wanted her to be comfortable with their new status—their new, very public status.

Chad nodded. “Coming right up.”

Beth turned around so that her back was against the bar. “You’re sure you don’t want anything besides water?”

He traced a line up her arm with his fingers. “Nope. I’m good. Besides, I need to stay hydrated, right?”

“I don’t know if I’m up for playing in public yet,” she confessed.

“It’s up to you. I’m fine with whatever you decide.”

“You’re being awfully submissive tonight.”

“Isn’t that what I’m supposed to be—your submissive?” He edged closer, crowding her a little, acting anything but submissive. It was a bold move considering where they were.

She grinned and an evil glint appeared in her eyes a moment before he felt her hand grab hold of his junk. It wasn’t painful, but the threat was there. “Make sure you remember that.”

Drew smiled. “Yes, Mistress.”

Chad returned with their drinks, and she released him. This was a gray area when it came to their arrangement. Outside the club, he was only her sub when it came to sexual things. Inside the club, however, the lines were blurred. He liked serving her last night—rubbing her feet, drawing her bath. Drew had also expressed an interested in kneeling at her feet and having his head in her lap. Before spending time at Serpent’s Kiss, he wouldn’t have thought something like that would appeal to him, but when he’d seen the level of devotion between John and Allison, it made him curious.

Because of that curiosity, they’d decided to play it by ear for the time being. He was always supposed to show her respect while inside the club walls. Outside that, they were still negotiating. He promised that he would communicate if he wanted more, and she had done the same.

When he began researching BDSM, he’d thought that everything took off at full speed from the start. Drew supposed that had a lot to do with porn. Of course, now he knew just how inaccurate those videos were. Even still, he’d somehow imagined things with Beth being hammered out swiftly with no question marks. While their relationship had hit the ground running and he had no complaints, it was evolving and changing the more things they tried.

The night before came to mind. Beth had surprised him when she asked him to make love to her. Their sex up until then had always had some element of dominance and submission. He’d worried that their lovemaking wouldn’t be as fulfilling for him if he was the one in control—it never had been in the past. What he found, though, was that knowing that he was doing what she wanted, how she wanted it, gave him pleasure. It was submission in a way he’d never imagined it.

He followed her over to where Nicole, Jeff, Daniel, Brandon, and two subs he recognized but whose names eluded him at the moment, were congregated. They all had knowing smiles on their faces as Beth and Drew sat down on one of the love seats.

“I was wondering if you were going to make it,” Nicole said.

Beth met her friend’s gaze and responded with a level of confidence he knew she didn’t feel. “Busy day.”

“Well, we’re glad you’re both here,” Daniel said, tipping his glass in their direction.

Trying to divert some of the attention, Drew addressed Brandon. “Enjoying your night off?”

“I am. As much as I like being behind the bar, sometimes it’s nice to sit back and let someone else take care of everything for a night.”

Nicole leaned toward Brandon and whispered, “That’s what you have a sub for.”