
An hour and a half later, Beth was sitting in the club’s main room with a drink in her right hand. The furniture had been rearranged for the evening’s activities. While they were waiting, a few people wandered over to say hi. Everyone was friendly, saying they were glad to see her back.

It wasn’t until Nicole got up to get another drink that Daniel, a Dom in his early fifties, came to say hello.

Beth smiled when he lowered himself into the chair beside her. “How have you been?”

“Can’t complain. What about you? It’s good to see you back.”

Daniel was one of the nicest men Beth had ever met. He’d been in the lifestyle for over twenty years, and he was full of helpful advice. It was too bad she wasn’t a submissive. Daniel was one of the few men Beth trusted.

“I’m good.”

He raised one eyebrow. Beth had seen him give that look to subs many times.

“I am. The café is doing well. I’m keeping busy.” Beth took a sip of her drink.

Daniel didn’t beat around the bush. “Have you heard from him?”

Beth didn’t need Daniel to clarify who ‘he’ was. She knew he was referring to Ben. “No. Not since I kicked him out.”

He nodded. “Maybe I shouldn’t say anything, but if it were me, I’d want to know. He came by the club about two months ago.”

Beth spat out her drink.

“Don’t worry. Katrina asked him to leave and made it very clear he was no longer welcome. In fact, I think she promised him the end of her whip should he make another appearance.” Daniel grinned.

Although Beth knew she shouldn’t ask, she couldn’t help herself. “What did he want?”

Daniel shrugged. “No idea. Katrina didn’t let him get more than a few feet inside the door. The only reason I know as much as I do is because she asked Sam and I to back her up.”

Beth rolled the glass between her hands, looking down into the dark brown liquid. “Thanks for telling me.”

Nicole sat down on the other side of Beth. “Hey, Daniel.”

“Nicole. How’s the new job?”

“One word: paperwork.”

They all laughed.

Before any more could be said, the lights dimmed and Katrina made her way to the front of the room. “Thank you all for coming to our demonstration tonight. We’ve had a number of individuals ask about wax play, so tonight we’re going to go over all the dos and don’ts. I’ll stop periodically to see if there are any questions, but I ask that everyone please wait until those specific times so as not to break my, or my submissive’s, concentration during the scene.”

Katrina motioned toward a man who had been standing off to the side. He looked to be about Beth’s age, maybe a little younger. Beth had never seen him before, which surprised her. Katrina didn’t have a single submissive she regularly played with but in the past she’d usually used Ryan for stuff like this. Then again, Beth had been out of the loop for a while. Maybe things had changed.

The man walked over and knelt down in front of Katrina. She walked around the man, taking her time. Once behind him, Katrina ran a hand down the length of his back, and then back up into his short-cropped hair. “As with many other forms of play, touch is extremely important. It can tell you things you might miss otherwise. Is your sub tense? Are they scared? Excited? Learning to read your partner is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself and them.”

She moved to retake a position in front of him. “Go lie facing up on the table, Wes.”

The man stood and strolled over to the table. Doing as he was told, he lay down with his back on the padded surface.

As Beth continued to watch the scene, she couldn’t help but think about Drew. What would he look like laid out like that? Did he have as many muscles under his shirt as he seemed? What would he feel like under her hands?

Wes sucked in a deep breath as the wax hit his chest. Other than that, however, he didn’t react. Knowing Katrina as Beth did, she smirked as the club mistress redirected the candle lower. Wes cried out as hot wax dripped down his stomach to his cock. It was fully erect. He was obviously enjoying Katrina’s torture. From the look on her face, Katrina was having fun as well.

“I might have to try that,” Nicole whispered.

Beth snorted, but otherwise let it go. Her mind was still on Drew. Nicole said he was working. He could be out fighting a fire as they sat there watching Katrina hold a burning candle over her willing victim.