Seeing her come undone—feeling it—was the last straw. With one last jerk of his hips, a burst of energy shot up his cock as he experienced one of the most explosive climaxes of his life.

He was vaguely aware of Beth reaching between them to turn off the vibration and remove the cock ring before she collapsed on top of him. Neither of them moved for a while after that. Her chest rose and fell with his. Feeling her against him in the aftermath of what they’d shared was almost spiritual. Was it the kink, or was it because it was with Beth? Could he even separate the two? Lucky for him, he didn’t have to.

“What are you thinking so hard about?” she asked.

“Is it always like that?” She turned her head to look at him. “So intense, I mean?”

Beth smiled and ran her hand down the length of his chest. “When it’s with the right person.”

Drew brushed the pad of his thumb along her cheekbone. Her face was flushed and her hair was wild. She’d never looked more beautiful. He pulled her in for a lingering kiss.

She hummed and rested her head against his shoulder. “How are you feeling?”

It wasn’t funny, but he laughed anyway. “I’m not sure I could be any better than I am right now.”

He felt her smile.

“What about you?” he asked.

Beth gazed up at him with both eyebrows raised. “Did you think I was faking that orgasm I just had?”

Drew grinned. He’d never been this happy in a relationship before. “No. If you were faking it, then you deserve an Academy Award. I meant did I do all right? I’ve seen scenes at the club, but . . . well, it’s different when you’re the one that’s in it.”

“Yes, it is.” She propped herself up on her elbow, but kept the length of her body pressed against his. “Did you enjoy what I did to you?”

With their scene over, he took full advantage of his freedom to put his hands wherever he wanted. “I did. It was . . . liberating.”

“For me as well.”

He cocked his head to the side. “How?”

She ran her fingers through his hair. It made him want to curl up against her and never move. “It’s a release for me. I can let go of all my stress and be in the moment.”

Drew guessed that made sense. Being a top wasn’t something he’d ever desired to be, and after the experience he had, he didn’t think it would be in the future—especially if that future involved Beth. “I guess that’s good since I very much like being dominated by you.”

“Yes, that’s a very good thing.” Beth kissed him. “We should go get cleaned up.”

“I don’t want to move. I like lying here with you like this.”

“So do I, but you’ll thank me in the morning.”

Before he could protest, she was getting out of the bed. He felt a sharp pang of loss as she distanced herself from him. It didn’t last long, however, since almost as soon as her feet hit the floor, she was reaching for him.

It was in the process of climbing out of the bed that Drew felt the first real signs of soreness. His ass felt as if he’d sat on a heating pad for too long.

“Sit on the edge of the bed and I’ll remove your collar.”

He looked to find Beth standing only a foot in front of him. “Sure.”

Drew lowered himself down on the edge of the mattress. Her hand brushed against his chest as she reached to unclip the leash that he’d completely forgotten was there.

He waited while she walked to the other side of the bed. She returned with the key, and leaned over to unlock him. The position placed her bare breast within an inch of his face. Drew couldn’t resist, so he latched on and sucked it into his mouth. Beth moaned, but then leaned out of his reach as she turned the key and the restriction of the collar pulled away.

Beth tilted his chin up so that he could look at her. She was still naked and it was impossible for him not to take notice even though he’d been inside her less than twenty minutes ago. It had never been like this for him before. Granted, he wasn’t sure if he could go again so soon—he wasn’t Superman after all—but that want was still there.

She gazed into his eyes for several minutes before running her fingers over his mouth. He parted his lips, hoping to convey that he was ready and willing for anything she wanted. Beth closed her eyes and sighed.

Taking her hand, he kissed the tips of her fingers, and then her palm. A feeling of warmth flooded his chest at the tender moment. Beth was different in more ways than he could count, and so were his feelings for her.