“If it means you having your wicked way with me again, then yes. I want to try a scene.”

Beth ignored his flippant response. “I was thinking we should keep it simple. Since you enjoy bondage, we could work that in as well as some impact play. Are you up for that?”

He must have realized how nervous she was because he clasped her hand and squeezed. “Beth, I trust you. I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t. As long as it’s not a hard limit, I want you to do what you want. I promise that I’ll use my safewords if it gets too much. That’s what they’re there for, right?”

She nodded. “Right.”

Drew was quiet for a moment. “You’re not having second thoughts about us, are you?”

“No.” She smiled and gave his hand a reassuring squeeze. “Ben and I had been dating a few months before we started playing.”

“I get it. It took me four months to get up the courage to bring up something as simple as bondage in my last relationship.”

“And I tied you to a chair on the second date.”

He laughed. “Yeah.”

Drew hadn’t let go of her hand. Their eyes met, and he moved closer, drawing her in.

“Did you want to spend the night?” she asked as his lips drew closer to her mouth.

“I have to work tomorrow,” he whispered. “I have to be in at seven, and I don’t have any clothes here.”

She placed her palms flat on his chest and began moving them lower. “What I have in mind wouldn’t involve clothing. And besides, my alarm goes off at five. Surely that would give you enough time to get home and change.”

His response came in actions rather than words. He stood, taking her by the hands. “How fast do you think we can get this cleaned up?”

Cleaning up was the last thing she was worried about given the heated look he was giving her. “It can wait until tomorrow.”

The words were barely out of her mouth when he began leading her toward the stairs.


Chapter 18

While the alarm had gone off at five, they hadn’t made it out of bed until after five thirty. Saying goodbye to Beth had taken another twenty-five minutes—not that he would have changed anything. It was the first time in the last seven years that he’d wanted to call in sick. He knew his crew was counting on him, however, so he made himself do what he had to do.

He made it home at six twenty-four. Shawn was already gone. Drew took one of the fastest showers of his life, threw on his uniform, downed a bagel and some orange juice, and jogged back out to his car.

The station was buzzing with activity when he arrived at ten after seven. Several of the guys greeted him as he made his way to the locker room. It was in the locker room that he ran into Shawn.

“Good morning.” His friend shot him a knowing smile.

“Morning.” Drew tried to act normal as he stowed his keys and wallet into his assigned locker, but the writing was already on the wall. Shawn was aware that he hadn’t come home last night. He also knew Drew had had a date with Beth. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to put the two together.

His friend waited until the other guys exited the locker room before he started in with the questioning. “Last night went well, huh?”


Well didn’t begin to cover it. After they’d gone to her bedroom, they’d had another round of hot and heavy sex. That time he was able to touch her to his heart’s content. Afterward, they’d talked more about what they wanted to explore when it came to the BDSM side of their relationship. For some reason, he’d always envisioned negotiations taking place across a table like you see on those cop shows—stark interrogation room, harsh lighting, that sort of thing. This was about as far removed from that as could be. They’d talked for hours tangled in each other’s arms.

Shawn whistled, causing Drew to look up. “Must have been some night if you’re daydreaming about it already.”

Drew felt the heat surging in his cheeks. He turned his head so his friend couldn’t see.

Patting him on the back, Shawn walked toward the door. “I’m happy for you. Enjoy it.”

After shutting his locker and taking a deep breath, Drew went out to meet with his crew—and maybe get a little more breakfast. They had work to do, and if they weren’t too busy with calls, he wanted to get some training in as well. The training was more for his benefit than theirs. Drew needed to keep busy. The faster the next twenty-four hours went, the better.