She had very few things marked as ‘want to try’. Then again, she’d been in a BDSM relationship before. Although he knew that, seeing it in black and white was quite different. He felt the jealousy peak inside him and tried his best to push it away. It was completely irrational. She was with him now. Officially. There wasn’t any use getting upset about her being and doing things with another man. Especially a man who ended up being a lying, cheating bastard.

Drew was so caught up in his internal argument that he almost missed something Beth marked on her list as ‘love’. He ran his finger down the page to be sure he wasn’t reading it incorrectly.

He wasn’t.

Beth loved knife play.

Racking his brain, he tried to remember what he’d put for that. Dislike? Hate? He couldn’t remember. During his two months as a member of Serpent’s Kiss, he couldn’t recall ever witnessing knife play.

Before he lost his nerve, he pulled out his cell phone and sent Beth a text.

Knife play?

It took her a few moments to respond.

Yes. -Beth

It sounded crazy to admit it, but he was curious.


Instead of her sending another text in response, his phone rang. He answered it quickly and held it up to his ear. “Hey.”

“Hey, yourself.”

“You didn’t have to call. I was a little shocked, that’s all. I wasn’t expecting you to be into that,” he said.

Beth hummed. “I noticed you marked it as dislike on your list.”

He guessed that answered his question. “I’ve never seen it done, but I’m not sure I’d like something like that.”

“I didn’t think I would either until I saw a demonstration. Once I tried it myself, I was hooked.” She paused. “If you’re not comfortable with knife play we can take it off the table for now. There’s no pressure, Drew. I get that this is new to you.”

While he understood and appreciated that, he felt he needed to be honest. “I’m torn. A part of me is curious since you ranked it so high on your list, but having a blade that close to my skin . . .”

“It isn’t about that. Or at least for me it isn’t. It’s a mind game. I’m not going to cut you, but I could. The possibility is always there.”


She laughed. “Just being honest, remember.”

He was quiet for a moment. “I’ll think about it.”

“Fair enough.”

A knock sounded on his bedroom door and it caused him to jump.

“Yes?” he yelled in the direction of the door.

“Do you have an extra toothbrush lying around somewhere?” Shawn asked through the door.

“Yeah. Just give me a minute and I’ll get it for you,” he responded back to Shawn. To Beth he said, “Can you hang on?”

“Sure. But I can let you go if you—”

“No.” He hesitated. The last thing he wanted to do was sound desperate. “I’ll be right back.”

As swiftly as he could, Drew headed out into the hall to the bathroom, dug through his linen closet until he found an unopened toothbrush, and then grabbed the tube of toothpaste from the medicine cabinet. It was one of the few lessons his brother had imparted to him. Always have a spare toothbrush in your closet for overnight guests. The last thing you want is to French kiss a girl goodbye in the morning when she hadn’t yet brushed her teeth.