Beth chuckled and sat up. “As appealing as that sounds, we do need to talk about our lists and doing so when we’re in a sexualized state isn’t wise. Being aroused alters your thought processes. We both need to be thinking rationally.”

As much as he hated to admit it, what she said made sense. When she’d had her mouth on his cock earlier, he would have agreed to just about anything.

He let his hands drop to the couch, releasing his hold on her. Beth ran a hand down the side of his face and placed one last kiss on his lips before backing off his lap and standing up. She went back to gathering her clothes and getting dressed. He reluctantly did the same.

Once they were fully clothed again, he followed her into her kitchen.

“Have a seat, and I’ll get us both some water,” she said.

Drew pulled out a chair and took a seat. While she busied herself getting their drinks, he realized that not once had he pondered what the inside of Beth’s house would look like. All his dreams about Beth had revolved solely around her and maybe a single piece of furniture such as a bed or a couch . . . or even a table. And even now, as he sat in the middle of it, he was trying to mesh what he was seeing with the woman he’d gotten to know over the last month.

She set a glass of ice water in front of him, and sat down on the opposite side o the table. “You seem to be thinking hard about something.”

He took a drink and shook his head. “Just looking around. Your house is very . . .”

“Normal?” she offered.

While that wasn’t exactly what he’d been trying to say, he supposed it was as good a word as any. “I guess you could say that. It doesn’t look that much different from my mom’s. She has a similar setup. The table is even in the same location.”

“Ah. I thought maybe you were thinking I’d have floggers on the wall for decoration or something.”

Her tone was lighthearted, joking, and he found himself smiling at how relaxed he was with her. “Not exactly. Although I am curious. I mean, you did say you played in your house, right?”

She took a sip of her water before answering. “I keep a chest in my bedroom with the majority of my toys. Most are portable, though.”

There was that glint in her eye again. He was feeling himself becoming worked up again despite the distance between them. “That’s . . . good.”

Beth stood and strolled over to the refrigerator. She poked her head inside and returned to the table with a container of fruit and cheese. “We might as well have a snack while we talk.”

He swallowed and nodded. As much as he didn’t want to admit it, he was a little on edge.

“Did you bring your list with you?” she asked.

“Yes. It’s out in the car.” He should have thought to bring it in with him, but he’d been distracted at the time. The only thing he’d been able to think about the entire way back to her house was how long he’d have to wait before he would get to touch her.

“Why don’t you go get it? I’ll grab mine, and we can sit here and go over everything.”

She smiled down at him, and then walked out of the room, leaving him sitting at the table. He wondered if it was intentional.

Taking a huge gulp of his water, he placed the empty glass back on the table and stood. This was what he wanted. Now all he had to do was hope he didn’t chicken out when they both laid all their cards out on the table.


Chapter 15

Beth had printed her list out the night before, so all she had to do was retrieve it from the drawer where she’d stashed it. She heard the front door open and close as she pulled the sheets of paper out of their hiding place. Drew had presumably gone out to get his list.

She took her time as she made her way back downstairs to the kitchen. Setting the papers on the table, Beth picked up both their glasses and refilled them. They might as well be comfortable while they discussed things.

It was hard to believe that she wasn’t more nervous. Leading up to their date, she’d nearly driven herself crazy with all the what-ifs. Sure, they were still there, but they weren’t nagging at her as much as they had been. Okay, that wasn’t true. She was still worried. About the future. About whether they could make things work between them. But what they were about to talk about—their limit lists—that wasn’t worrying her so much. Given their fun on the couch, she guessed they’d be able to figure out how to make a sexual relationship work pretty easily. It was the rest that was questionable.

Drew walked back into the room as she was returning their glasses to the table. She could tell he was more anxious than he’d been before, but he also looked resolute.

“Have a seat,” she said.

He released a heavy breath and lowered himself into the chair he’d been in earlier.

Beth joined him at the table. “I know you’ve never done this before, but I have to say this is one of the things about this lifestyle that I like the most. Honestly, I think if more vanilla couples did this, they would be much happier.”