Without a word, she began gathering their things. He took the cue and finished packing everything into the cooler he’d brought.

Once they had everything, Beth and Drew made their way back to the car. The parking lot was less crowded than it had been before. The soccer fields were empty, and with the exception of two young kids with their mother, so were the playgrounds. He went to the back of the vehicle and opened the trunk.

No sooner had he tossed everything into the trunk, he felt her press against him from behind.

He sucked in a breath, unsure of what to do. They weren’t exactly alone.

All thought left him as Beth cupped his erection—the one he’d been trying to tamp down for the last two hours. “We need to talk about our lists. Are you up for that?”

She squeezed him a little, and he nodded.

“I can’t hear you.” She squeezed again. Harder.

“Yes. Please.”

Beth chuckled and released him.

He groaned when the cool air hit him as she moved to her side of the car. Never had he wanted a woman quite like he wanted Beth. Then again, he’d never wanted a woman like Beth before.

Giving himself a moment, he made sure he wasn’t going to be giving anyone a show before closing the trunk. The sooner they went over their lists, the sooner he could get some relief. At least, he hoped.


Chapter 14

Beth tried to stay calm as Drew parked his car in front of her house and they strolled up the walkway to the front door. She’d been stupid pushing the physical like she had when they needed to talk about things. But they’d been dancing around their attraction for a month. When given the chance, she hadn’t been able to keep her hands to herself.

Which was what had led to her current dilemma. They needed to talk, but doing so with their adrenaline pumping wasn’t smart.

“Something wrong?” he asked.

She shook her head and opened the door.

When they stepped inside, she started to walk toward the kitchen, but he stopped her. “What’s wrong? And please, don’t tell me it’s nothing. I can see it in your face. Something’s bothering you. Are you having second thoughts?”

Taking a slow, deep breath, she stepped toward him. Without saying a word, she reached up and pulled his head down to hers.

Drew responded by wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her closer.

As she slid her tongue inside his mouth, she felt his body respond. Blood surged through her veins, and she knew there would be no way to have a rational discussion until they released some of the sexual tension that had been building since the night they met.

She took a step back, urging him to follow her. He met her step for step, not releasing his hold on her. It was almost as if he were afraid she’d disappear if he eased up. That was perfectly fine with her. She didn’t want him going anywhere either.

When her knees hit the back of the couch, she pulled away, and lowered herself down. He followed her, not allowing her to get too far away.

Drew hovered over her, his face inches from hers. She turned his head slightly and nipped at his earlobe.

“I seem to recall you promising to make it up to me.”

“What did you have in mind?”

Beth wiggled her shirt up over her head and tossed it to the side. His gaze went directly to her breasts. She wondered if he could tell how hard her nipples were behind the black bra she wore.

Running her hand along his face, she directed his attention away from her chest and back to her face. “I want you to know that I’m clean. I’ve been tested twice since . . . well, since everything happened. I—”

“So am I, Beth.”

She cut off his words by smothering them with another kiss. He began kissing her back in earnest. Her body was pulsing, and all she could think of was what his mouth would feel like in other places.