“I have something in mind, but I’m still hashing out the details.” She didn’t miss his sigh of relief.

“Anything you’d like to share?”

“I’d rather surprise you.”

“I guess that would be acceptable.” She was trying to bring back the teasing atmosphere from before her anxiety had put a damper on their conversation. “Should I dress up?”

“Not if everything goes as planned. I’ll text you once I confirm everything.”

“I’ll need to know what time you’re picking me up, as well. Don’t forget I have to work Saturday.” Although he knew that already, she felt the need to remind him. A part of her wondered if maybe it was her way of keeping things on a level she could handle. Everything with Drew was moving so fast.

“I remembered.” He grew quiet. “I’ve been working on my list.”

Beth knew there had to be a question in there, so she gave him some time.

“What if we compare lists and we’re not . . . compatible? What happens then?”

There wasn’t any question of their chemistry. After the kiss they shared, that question had been answered loud and clear. Kinks, however, were a different thing entirely. His question was valid. What happened if he wanted something she couldn’t give, or vice versa? “I guess we’ll have to cross that bridge when we come to it.”

He snorted. “I don’t think I’ve ever felt so unsure of myself in a relationship before. You’d think I was a teenager again fumbling my way around the backseat of a car with my first girlfriend.”

That made her laugh. “I wouldn’t go that far.”

“It’s true.”

“Drew, just be yourself. Do what comes naturally—what feels right. Everything else will figure itself out.”

“So what you’re saying is that I need to relax.”

She chuckled. “Something like that.”

“I should let you get ready for bed. It’s getting late, and I know you have to be up early.”

Beth glanced at the clock and realized that it was already after ten. They’d been on the phone for almost two hours. Her gaze landed on the bouquet he’d had delivered to her earlier that day. She’d put the flowers in a vase with some fresh water and placed them on the stand beside her bed. “Thank you again for the flowers.”

“You’re welcome.”

There was a long pause, and she wondered what he was doing. “You have to work Friday, don’t you?”

“Yep. I have to be there at seven.”

As things with Drew heated up, that little voice in the back of her head that worried about his safety got stronger. “Be safe, okay.”


She reached over and ran the tips of her fingers along one of the petals. “Good night.”

After Beth hung up the phone, she scooted off the mattress, and began getting ready for bed. That included cleaning the toys she’d used earlier. As she washed the silicone dildo, her thoughts returned to Drew masturbating to her instructions. Hearing him had been such a turn on. She couldn’t wait to get her hands on him.

Unfortunately, that thought was quickly followed up by another memory of Ben. Why wouldn’t he leave her alone and why had he shown up wanting to talk to her? It had been bad enough when she’d found out he came to the club months ago, but if he’d been looking for her, why hadn’t he sought her out at her house or the café then? Why had he waited until now? Did he hear she’d found someone else? And if so, how? As far as she knew, he was living in Florida with his wife and daughter. Was someone feeding him information? Was he trying to destroy her new relationship before it even got started?

Beth felt the beginning of a headache coming on.

Gritting her teeth, she finished what she was doing, and left her toys out on the counter to dry. It was one of the advantages of living alone.

She finished going through her nightly routine, and snuggled beneath her sheets. Beth forced her mind to more pleasant thoughts, such as Drew and the fantasy he’d shared with her. Rope bondage wasn’t something she excelled at, but she knew the basics. She also had several sets of leather cuffs. If he liked to be bound, she could work with it. And if rope was something he wanted to explore more, she could certainly find someone at the club to help her expand her skills. She had no idea what else would be on his list, but so far he hadn’t revealed anything she viewed as a hard limit.

Releasing a deep breath, she closed her eyes and let thoughts of Drew tied to her bed fill her mind. She was dying to know what he looked like underneath all that clothing. To have him at her mercy caused her body temperature to rise and moisture to pool between her thighs.