Beth was feeling pretty happy after listening to Drew. Sure, she could have joined him—her toys were still out and easily accessible—but that hadn’t been the point. She’d wanted to see how he’d react to being dominated, even if it was only over the phone. From her end, he’d seemed to enjoy it, which was why she was confused by his comment. “For?”

“I should have made sure you came first. I didn’t even think—”

Out of all the possibilities that had been swirling in her head, that hadn’t been one of them. “It’s fine.”

“No. It isn’t.” He blew out a loud breath. “It’s been a long time since I’ve left a woman hanging like that.”

“I’ll let you make it up to me. How about that?” She hoped he could tell she was teasing.

“I guess I can deal with that.”

She laughed. “I’ll look forward to it.”

Neither said anything for several moments.

Beth stretched out on her bed, and then raised herself so she was sitting up against her headboard. “So tell me, Drew Parker, have you ever had phone sex before tonight?”

“Maybe a time or two.” He chuckled. “Okay, maybe more than that, but it’s been years. Since being out on my own, in-person encounters are much more desirable.”


“That’s not to say that I didn’t enjoy what we just did. Or what I just did, I guess. Because I did. Enjoy it, I mean.”

It was cute to see him nervous. “I’m glad you liked it. In your past experiences with phone sex, had you ever had your partner tell you what to do?”

He snorted. “No. Not at all. Usually it was me telling her what to do.”

“What did you think of the role reversal? Other than our kiss, this was your first real taste of domination, wasn’t it?” From what he’d told her in the past, she was almost positive this was the case.

“Unless you count the one time I tried to talk my last girlfriend into tying me up and having her wicked way with me.”

“This would be the same girlfriend who broke up with you because you wanted to be dominated?”

“One in the same,” he said.

“Then no, that doesn’t count.”

There was a pause, and when he began speaking again Beth could tell he was smiling. “I’m glad my first experience with this will be with you.”

Was he being honest or trying to butter her up for something? She hated that her mind automatically went there. Another by-product of Ben. Drew had never given her any reason to question his sincerity.

He must have noticed her silence. “Was that the wrong thing to say?”

“No. I was just thinking. Maybe . . .” She glanced up at the ceiling. “Maybe this isn’t such a good idea.”

“Don’t say that.”

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “Do you know what my first thought was when you said that you were glad your first experiences would be with me? I wondered if you were telling the truth or trying to pull the wool over my eyes about something.”

“That’s understandable, I guess. I have to earn your trust. But Beth, I promise you that I’m not like him. I mean, I invited you to come meet my family. If I had something sinister to hide, why would I do that?”

Beth took a moment, and he waited for her to gather her thoughts. Damn Ben. He was still screwing up her life. His showing up at her café hadn’t helped either. She had no idea what he wanted, and quite frankly, she didn’t care. She just wanted him to go away and let her get on with her life.

“Don’t back out of our date. I promise we’ll have a good time. If we don’t, I’ll go away. If that’s what you want.”

It didn’t take a genius to know how hard those words were for him to get out. She’d seen the look on his face when she told him that she’d go on a date with him—something she knew he’d been wanting since they met.

Pushing down her fear, she tried her best to get things back on track. It wasn’t fair to keep making Drew pay for Ben’s mistakes. “Have you decided where we’re going Saturday?”