
Simple and to the point. So why did her chest clench? Drew seemed to know exactly what to say and do to break through her defenses. She felt moisture trail down her cheeks, and swiftly wiped it away.

Before she could second-guess herself, she dug her phone out of her pocket, and shot Drew a text.

Got the flowers. They’re beautiful. Thank you. - Beth

Only seconds passed before he responded.

You’re welcome. Call you tonight?

She didn’t hesitate to reply.

Yes. - Beth

Smiling, she laid her phone down on the counter, and got back to work. Ben was her past, and as far as she was concerned, he was going to remain there. She had the potential of a new relationship with Drew. A relationship that wasn’t built on lies. She was going to concentrate on that and forget Ben ever existed.


Chapter 12

“You holding out on me?”

Drew shoved his phone back in his pocket and picked up the nail gun he’d been using before answering Beth’s text. “Why do you say that?

Shawn had called Drew late the night before and asked if he could help put on a roof. He used to work with Shawn a lot on his days off back when they were on the same crew. Now, more often than not, they had conflicting schedules.

His former captain and friend dropped another bundle of shingles onto the roof and leveled a stare at Drew. Shawn raised his eyebrows. It was a look Drew had seen often. It was the you’re-full-of-shit look.

While he was reluctant to tell anyone about Beth, he knew he could trust Shawn. “Her name’s Beth.”

“Is it serious, or just fun?”

It was a valid question. Shawn knew all about Drew’s wilder days. He also knew Drew had settled down over the last two years. “Hopefully serious. We’ll see what happens Saturday.”

Shawn began laying down another row of shingles. “Big date, huh?”

Drew grinned and continued to work. He’d been thinking a lot about his upcoming date. It couldn’t be overly complicated since he had to work the next day, but he wanted to make sure it was memorable at the same time. “I’ve been trying to figure out where to take her.”

They worked side by side for several minutes before Shawn responded. “What does she like?”

“She likes history.” Drew shrugged. “We haven’t talked about it all that much. And I know she likes movies. I guess I could take her to a museum, but she doesn’t get off work until three. That doesn’t leave us much time.”

“This is a first date, right?” Shawn asked.


Shawn nodded. “And you want to make a good impression?”

“Of course.”

“Take her to a concert in the park. You can pack a picnic dinner for you both. Women love that sort of thing. Plus, unlike the rest of us, you can actually cook.”

They both chuckled. Drew had taken some ribbing from the guys at the station when they found out he wasn’t a total slouch in the kitchen. That was until they were the ones benefiting from his knowledge.

The more Drew thought about Shawn’s suggestion, the better it sounded. It would be nice to spend the evening under the stars with Beth, listening to music.

The sun was dipping low in the sky by the time they’d finished the roof and cleaned things up. Drew said goodbye to Shawn and drove home. As soon as he walked in the door, he stripped out of his clothes and headed for the shower. Once he didn’t feel as if he were sporting a second skin of dirt and sweat, he fully intended to call Beth. He’d been dying to talk to her all day. Seeing her the previous two days had spoiled him.