Beth didn’t answer right away. She wanted to let Nicole stew a while. “The second.”


“It’s only been a month.”

“A very long month,” Nicole insisted.

“If you say so.”

They both chuckled.

“So tell me, how did a walk turn into plans for a date?”

Beth eagerly filled her best friend in on the details of her time with Drew, including what turned out to be the first of several kisses. Nicole was riveted, and pumped her for details. Her friend burst out laughing when Beth relayed the heated good-night kiss she’d shared with Drew. “I would have paid to see that.”

“I don’t think we’re ready for an audience.”

“Beside the point.” Nicole released a contented sigh. “I’m happy for you.”

“Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. It’s just a date.”

“And several kisses. Rather passionate kisses. We can’t forget those,” Nicole said.

Beth rolled her eyes. “Whatever you say.”

“So does that mean you’ll be coming to the club together Saturday night?”

The thought had crossed Beth’s mind. “I don’t know. We have a lot to talk about. That is, if the date goes well.”

“Don’t jinx yourself. Why wouldn’t it go well?” Nicole asked.

“I don’t know. Just nerves, I guess. Look, I should go. I have a few things to do before I turn in.”

“All right. Sleep tight. And dream of that hunky fireman of yours.”

Beth shook her head. “Good night.”

“Good night.”

Disconnecting the call, Beth headed for her bedroom, placed her phone on the charger, and booted up her computer. She located her limit list and opened the file. It had been a while since she’d read over the list, let alone updated it. She and Ben had been together for three years. At the beginning, it had been a useful tool in helping them navigate the kinky side to their relationship, but after a while they’d foregone their lists entirely and relied solely on verbal communication. If something came up that interested one of them, they brought it up and discussed it. It showed a level of comfort . . . of trust.

Beth snorted. Trust.

She took a deep breath and pushed Ben out of her thoughts. This wasn’t about Ben. It was about Drew. Her and Drew. And in situations like theirs, lists were good. They had to start somewhere, and knowing what kinks interested each of them was better than guessing. She needed to know what Drew wanted to explore. Who knows? They might find out that their kinks weren’t compatible. It wasn’t as if they’d talked about them in any detail.

As it turned out, most of the changes she made were minor. They consisted of changing things from ‘want to try’ to ‘like’ or ‘dislike’. The vast majority of it, however, stayed the same. What happened with Ben made her more cautious, but it didn’t change what she enjoyed.

She saved her new list and logged off the computer. Knowing she needed a little me time before turning in for the night, Beth headed for her bathroom and began filling her tub with water.

Once she made sure the temperature was right, she opened the bottom drawer of her vanity. Tucked into the back underneath several hand towels were two of her treasured bathroom accessories. One was a dildo. The other a vibrator. Both were waterproof and perfect for some underwater fun. There was nothing like a nice long soak in her bathtub, and two of her favorite toys, to relax her.

With her bath ready, Beth removed her clothes, twisted her hair up into a bun, and lowered herself into the tub. The warm water surrounded her. Baths were something she cherished. Before she’d bought her house, she’d lived in a one-room apartment that only had a small shower. The only time she was able to take a bath was when she went home to Ohio, and that wasn’t often. One of these days she was going to have one of those soaker tubs installed so she could stretch out and still have the water come up to her chin.

Beth leaned back and closed her eyes, letting her mind drift. It didn’t take long for Drew’s image to flood her vision. She could still feel his hands on her back, her hips, her butt. His cock pressing against her, wanting desperately to be let out.

She ran her hands down her torso, lingering on each one of her breasts, tugging at her nipples. What would it feel like to have him sucking and licking every inch of her? Beth planned to find out.

By the time she grazed a finger over her clit, she was ready. Beth reached for her toys and positioned them exactly where she wanted them. The soft hum of the vibrator could be heard even through the water as it massaged her pussy. It felt good, but she needed to be filled. Since she didn’t have a real cock at hand, a fake one would have to do.