Drew was trying to decide whether to ask if he could kiss her or just do it when she reached up to cup the back of his head. She pulled his mouth toward hers, and he didn’t resist. Seconds after their lips connected, he had her pressed back against her car, and her leg was wrapped around his waist. This time he didn’t hold back. His hands were on her back, her legs, her ass. She felt amazing, but there were too many clothes between them.

Beth was the first one to break the kiss. When her mouth left his, she trailed her lips down his jaw to his neck. She grazed her teeth right where his pulse was pounding beneath the skin. Part of him wanted her to bite down so he could know what it felt like. Instead, she teased him, holding him on the edge, not giving him what he wanted.

He dug his fingers into her hips and ground his pelvis into the heat he could feel coming from between her legs. Ever since he noticed her across the room that first night, he’d wanted to get his hands on her. Now that he was able to touch her, he didn’t want to stop.

Finally, she clamped down on his neck with her teeth, and his cock pulsed almost painfully. He was hoping she wouldn’t make him wait too long before he was able to feel her pussy surrounding his cock. But thinking about her pussy did nothing to help calm him down. Neither did her snaking her hand between them to cup his erection and give it a squeeze.

“Mmm,” she hummed against his neck.

He swallowed. “I want you.”

“Patience.” Her breath ghosted along his neck, sending a chill down his spine.

He moaned.

She ran her fingernail down the side of his neck, and released her hold on his cock. He didn’t know if that was better or worse.

Drew took a deep breath and nodded. It would be getting dark soon, and he knew she should be on her way. The park closed at dusk. “I should let you get home.”

Beth rose up on her tiptoes and brushed her lips against his. “I’ll see you Saturday. And . . . you can call me.” She was teasing him, and he loved it.

“I’ll call. Let you know what time I’m picking you up for our date.” He hadn’t let go of her, and she didn’t seem anxious to pull away.

She nodded and brought their mouths together once again.

This kiss was all soft lips and gentle suction. It did nothing to dampen the fire inside him.

She pulled away before he was ready, so he followed her with his mouth, seeking more.

Beth laughed. “I promise the wait will be worth it.”

“My cock feels like it’s about to explode.”

As if to test his assertion, she wrapped one hand around his cock and the other cupped his balls. She squeezed each three times, and he nearly fell over. He dug his fingers into the sides of her hips and closed his eyes. “Beth . . . please.”

“Please what?” she asked against his lips.

Before he could form a coherent thought, her hands were gone and she was moving away from him. He opened his eyes to find her slipping behind the wheel of her car. She grinned up at him and waved. “Call me.”

Drew stood without moving as she drove away, his cock painfully hard. Making it to Saturday was going to be torture. Pure torture.


Beth was pulling into her driveway when Nicole called. “Hey.”

“Hey, yourself. How’d your movie date with Drew go?” Nicole asked.

Tucking her purse under her arm, Beth hurried inside, and kicked off her shoes. “It didn’t.”

“What do you mean it didn’t?” Nicole demanded.

Beth sighed, and flopped down on her couch with the phone to her ear. “I mean we ended up going for a walk instead. Apparently, he let it slip to his mom that he was meeting me this afternoon, and was told to extend an invitation to me to the family’s Memorial Day barbecue.”

“Meeting the family, huh? That’s a big step. You gonna go?”

“I haven’t decided. I told him I’d think about it.” Beth rolled over and propped herself up on her elbow. “Oh. And we’re going out Saturday.”

Nicole got real quiet for several moments. “Going out as in meeting up again to hang out or going out as in going on a date?”