Drew groaned.

“What?” Beth couldn’t imagine what she could have said that would make him react like that. She thought he’d be thrilled. Wasn’t that what he wanted?

“I have an insane urge to kiss you right now.”

This time she didn’t hold back her laughter.

It took a few seconds, but eventually he joined her. “Sorry, but it’s the truth.”

When she got a hold of herself again, she was feeling lighter than she could remember being in a long time. “I know it is, and believe me I appreciate it. I’m getting there. Just please be patient.”

He reached out and touched her arm, causing her to halt her movement. The look in his eyes caused her breath to hitch, and all thought of patience and waiting flew out the window. She took two steps forward, closing the gap between them. Beth could feel his warm breath brush against her face.

She lifted her right hand and ran her index finger along the seam of his lips. They were soft, and they parted as she continued to rub back and forth. It was as if something was drawing her in . . . something unseen yet irresistible.

Drew closed his eyes, and her gaze fell to his mouth. Despite her earlier assertion, she wanted to kiss him. It was almost a craving it was so potent. She’d never felt anything like it before.

Beth was moments away from succumbing to what she wanted when the sound of someone coming jarred her back to reality. With it came the knowledge of what had almost happened . . . what she’d almost allowed to happen.

Allowed. That was comical. She’d pursued it. She’d let her growing feelings for him and the situation to completely unarm her. What was happening to her?

Frustrated with herself, Beth took off at a faster than natural pace. It didn’t take long for her to hear Drew racing to catch up.

“Beth. Wait. Please.”

As much as she wanted to run away and forget it ever happened, that wasn’t her style. She slowed down and waited until he was beside her again.

“I’m sorry.”

She looked over at him, but didn’t stop walking. “Why are you sorry? You didn’t do anything.”

“I stopped you. None of that would have happened if I hadn’t—”

“Drew, you have nothing to apologize for. That was all me. I set up these rules for our relationship and, apparently, I can’t seem to follow them. That’s my fault, not yours.”


They were coming to the end of the trail. She wasn’t sure if she was glad about that or not. “Maybe there are a few things we need to talk about.”

“Okay.” He sounded as if he were waiting for her to chastise him or something.

“What you did—stopping me—was perfectly normal. I’m the one who stepped over the line and didn’t stick to the limits we’d both agreed to. Just because you’re a sub doesn’t mean you have to be the one always to apologize. It’s me who should be apologizing to you, not the other way around.” She was hoping he understood the weight of what she was saying. Although they were technically alone, she didn’t want to get into a full-scale discussion about the lifestyle out here in the middle of the woods.

“I understand what you’re saying but, Beth, I just told you that I wanted to kiss you. I’m pretty sure that would qualify as a green light on my side of things. And it was your limit, not mine. I have no issues with you kissing me anytime you feel the urge.”

When she glanced up at him, the sparkle in his eyes was back. “Fair enough. But still, if I mess up, now . . . or later . . . don’t hesitate to call me out on it.”

“I can agree to that.”


The trail opened up and Beth realized that they weren’t back at the parking area as she’d originally thought. It was a large open space. The grass had been mowed, and there were a couple of tents along the opposite tree line. Apparently, their hike wasn’t over.


Drew had walked the path they’d taken many times over the years. It led to one of his favorite local camping spots. Granted, he had a few, some a lot more remote, but this was where he liked to come if he was limited on time but needed to get away for a day or two. It had seemed logical to bring Beth here.

She glanced up at him and then back at the campsite. “Do you come here a lot?”