“Have you ever played with a Femdom before?” Why she was asking was beyond her. It wasn’t as if she ever planned on playing with him.

“No, ma’am.”

Again, she had no idea why she was pressing for information, but the questions kept coming to the forefront of her mind and she kept asking them. “No vanilla girl out there for you?”

“I’ve tried vanilla relationships and they don’t work for me. I want a woman to take control.”

The image of him tied to a bench completely at her mercy flashed in her mind before she squashed it. No. She would not go down that path.

If he wanted to be friends, she could try, she supposed. But there would have to be ground rules—no seeing him outside the club being the number one. She had no idea if he frequented the local munches or not. If so, she would have to be careful. Munches were more laid back. That could open up a whole new set of problems—especially since she was already having a physical reaction to him.

Theirs would have to be a lifestyle friendship only. If Drew had questions about BDSM or needed help finding a Domme, she could maybe give him advice. That was it, though. Beth wasn’t ready to get tangled up in another web of emotional attachment.

Taking a deep breath, she offered her hand, and introduced herself. “I’m Beth. Beth Davenport.”

He wrapped his fingers around hers almost reverently. “It’s nice to meet you, Beth Davenport.”


Chapter 2

Drew’s alarm woke him bright and early at six. He didn’t get in until almost two, and he was feeling it. Originally he’d planned on leaving the club at eleven—he had to work Saturday, after all—but after laying eyes on Beth, getting a full night’s sleep became less of a priority. She’d stayed until one thirty, so he had as well. The thought of leaving before her didn’t cross his mind.

Padding into his bathroom, Drew stepped into the shower, and turned on the spray. He adjusted the temperature so it was a little cooler than normal hoping it would help wake him up.

As the fog lifted from his brain, he recalled the end of his night. When he’d offered to walk Beth to her car, she’d looked at him with shock, and then panic. He wanted to comfort her, but he was at a loss. She wasn’t his mistress. They’d agreed to be friends, and he’d gotten the impression she wasn’t entirely comfortable with that much. He had to be cautious. As much as he wanted to touch her, he knew it wouldn’t be a good idea.

Drew smiled as he rinsed the shampoo out of his hair. Turning off the water, he grabbed a towel, and swiftly dried himself off. Beth hadn’t sent him away. Friendship wasn’t exactly what he wanted, but he could work with it. She’d been hurt. He could understand that, too. Drew’s last girlfriend, Mya, hadn’t understood his need to relinquish control. Although at the time he didn’t completely understand it himself, he’d tried to explain it to her. She’d lashed out at him, and they broke up.

Their fight was the driving force behind Drew’s exploration into BDSM. He needed someone who understood what he needed, what he craved. Trying to fake it wasn’t working for him anymore.

Drew pulled up to the fire station with five minutes to spare. He parked his car and grabbed his duffel bag from the backseat. He worked in one of the larger stations in St. Louis, and they were in the middle of a shift change. People were coming and going from all directions. Everyone he passed acknowledged him in some way. Being a firefighter was like being part of a large family. Sometimes it even reminded him of a college frat house.


He whirled around and looked up. Chief Franks was leaning over the second-floor railing. “Morning, Chief.”

“I need you to grab your crew and head down to Crawford Street ASAP. Madison’s crew is still there holding a scene until an inspector gets there.”

“Is the fire out?”

“Yep. All I need you and your guys to do is sit on your pretty asses until the inspector gets there and takes over the scene.”


Chief Franks nodded. “Looks like.”

“Let me put my things in my locker, and I’ll grab the guys.”

Without another word, Chief Franks headed back into his office.

Drew worked his way to the locker room. Baily and Irwin, two of the guys on his crew, were already there. “Hey. We need to grab our gear and head over to Crawford. Shawn and his crew are holding a scene until one of the inspectors show up, and we need to go relieve them.”

“The fire’s already out?” Baily asked.

“ ’Fraid so.”

Both Baily and Irwin sighed and shut their locker doors.