She smiled. “I know you do, and that means a lot.”

Sighing, he went back to work on the mix he’d been making when she’d come in. “I just don’t want to see you miss out on something because of him.”

There wasn’t really anything Beth could say in response to that, so instead she nudged him with her hip to lighten the mood. It worked. He grinned back at her, and hip checked her in return.

The two of them worked quickly to prep for the morning rush—neither one bringing up Beth’s relationship issues. Once the doors opened, the steady stream of customers seemed to keep coming nonstop. By ten thirty, they were nearly wiped out of all their pastries. She hated to tell people they were out of something, so it was a good thing it was almost lunchtime. Even though they occasionally sold a muffin or two during the afternoon, most customers made their selections based on what was left in the case.

She disappeared into the kitchen to remove the last two loaves of bread from the oven when Tommy peeked his head in the back. “You have a delivery.”

“What?” She looked toward the back door, but it was secured, as it should be.

He chuckled. “Nope. Out front.”

Before she could respond, he was gone.

Sighing, Beth placed the bread on the cooling rack, and then went to see what he was talking about.

There on the front counter sat another bouquet of flowers. These were purple and white with some greenery mixed in. Unlike with the previous delivery, Beth didn’t hesitate to reach for the card. She knew they were from Drew.


Thank you for trusting me.


The grin that spread across Beth’s face made her cheeks hurt.

“Tommy, can you watch the front for a few minutes?” She took her flowers, and the card, into the back without waiting for a response. Digging through her purse, she found Drew’s number, and dialed before she could have any second thoughts.


“Drew, it’s Beth. I didn’t catch you at a bad time, did I?”

There was a hesitation, and then the sound of a door closing. “Not at all. I was just hanging out with some of the guys from the station. We were getting ready to start up the grill.”

“Oh. Okay. Well, I won’t keep you, then. I only wanted to let you know that I got your flowers, and I wanted to say thank you. They’re beautiful.”

“Don’t apologize. I love that you called me. And that you like the flowers. Lunch will wait. You can call me anytime you want. As long as I’m not in a burning building, I’ll answer.”

“Still, you’re with your friends. I won’t keep you.”



There was a long pause. “Thank you for calling. I’m glad you like the flowers.”


Drew was flying high when he stepped out onto the deck in Romeo’s backyard. That was until three sets of eyes turned in his direction and seemed to be waiting for something. “What?”

“Got something to tell us, Parker?” Baily asked.

“Not at all.”

All three of them scoffed.

“You ran out of here with that phone to your ear awfully fast, Captain. You got a hot date you aren’t telling us about?” Romeo teased.