“Eventually she found Ben in my bedroom. He was still in my bed—both feet still secured to the bedposts.” Beth looked up to meet his gaze. “After that the details get a little fuzzy. There was a lot of shouting as she released the remaining cuffs. But it ended with her slapping me, calling me a pervert, and telling me to leave her husband alone. She dragged him out of my house in his underwear.”

“I take it that he never mentioned he was married.”

Beth snorted. “No. He didn’t.”

Drew felt helpless. He wanted to comfort her, but wasn’t sure how.

“Ben showed up at the café the next day. He tried to apologize. Explain himself. That’s when I found out that he didn’t only have a wife, but a daughter as well.”

When Drew heard the catch in her voice, he threw caution to the wind. Leaving his water on a long table right inside the door, he crossed the room to her in three long strides. He stopped a foot in front of her, and opened his arms in offering—giving her the choice to take his comfort or not.

She hesitated for only a moment before stepping into his embrace. It was the first time he’d been so close to her. While he hated seeing her in distress, he couldn’t help but take in the feel of her body against his. If only he could take the hurt and betrayal he knew she must have felt away from her, the moment would have been close to perfect.

“Thank you,” she whispered.

“Any time.”

She pulled away, and he couldn’t help but feel the loss. “I haven’t told that to anyone besides Nicole. Katrina knows some of it, but . . .”

“Thank you for telling me.” He felt honored that she’d shared something so personal with him.

“I figured you should know, in case . . .” She took a deep breath and released it. “In case it changed your mind about me.”

He was confused. “Why would it change my mind? He lied to you. He betrayed your trust.”

Beth looked down at her hands, and then back up at him. “He broke me, Drew. I know you want a mistress. And I know you’re hoping I can be that for you one day. I just don’t know if that’s possible. I don’t know if I can . . .”

Drew extended his hand, and she took it. He gave her fingers a squeeze. “I’ll take what you are willing to give.”

She opened her mouth to speak, but he cut her off.

“Whatever you’re willing to give, all right?”

Beth studied him for several moments before nodding. It was a small step, but he’d take it.


Chapter 8

They retrieved their drinks and made their way downstairs. Drew was acting as if what she’d told him didn’t matter. Maybe it didn’t, but it still didn’t change the facts. She wasn’t ready to be anyone’s mistress again.

As they neared the bottom of the staircase, she took in the number of available Femdoms in the club that would be willing to take on a new male sub. There were at least three that she could think of off the top of her head. If Drew was a masochist, she could add a couple more to the list.

Beth knew she should encourage him to shift his attention to one of these Dommes, but the thought of actually speaking the words made her feel as if she’d eaten something that didn’t agree with her. Ready or not, she wanted him for herself. Even though she had no idea how long it would take her to feel up to a relationship again, she couldn’t bring herself to suggest another mistress.

“Is something wrong?” Drew asked.

It was only then that Beth realized she’d come to a dead stop at the bottom of the stairs. “No. I’m fine. I should find Nicole, though. She’s probably wondering where I am since I told her I’d be here tonight.”

He nodded and glanced down at her glass. “Did you want me to get another drink for you?”

“I think I’m good for now.” She paused and considered her next words carefully. Although she wanted to spend time with him, she didn’t want him to feel obligated to stay by her the entire night. “It’s all right if you want to go hang out with your friends. I don’t mind.”

If she hadn’t been watching him as closely as she was, she would have missed the disappointment that flashed in his eyes. “Is that what you want?”

She swallowed, and looked him square in the eye as she spoke. “No.”

He grinned, and the butterflies were back to fluttering in Beth’s stomach. Why did she have such a strong reaction to him? It would be so much easier if she didn’t.