To her surprise, instead of coming over and trying to sweet-talk her, the guy sat down in the chair to her right and said nothing. It was odd to be sure, but since she wasn’t interested in the slightest anyway, Beth decided to ignore him and refocus on her friends’ conversation. Maybe he’d eventually get the idea and go away. Or maybe she was only being paranoid and he didn’t walk across the room for her at all.

Ignoring him turned out to be more difficult than Beth originally thought. Although he didn’t attempt to engage her in conversation, she felt his presence beside her. Even with her eyes purposely averted, Beth knew he wasn’t a small man. She’d seen enough in her peripheral vision to know he was tall and nicely proportioned.

No matter how aware she was of his presence, Beth outwardly ignored him. That was until she finished off her drink. She scooted forward in her seat, preparing to head to the bar for a refill, but he moved, too, inevitably drawing her attention. “May I, ma’am?”

Beth tilted her head to look at him for the first time, and all the moisture seemed to disappear from her throat. Cute did not begin to describe the man sitting next to her. He was tall and lean, but she wouldn’t call him lanky with his broad shoulders and muscled arms. His hair was a light brown and he was clean-shaven, but it was his eyes that drew her in. They were the most amazing baby blue.

When she didn’t respond, he repeated his question. “May I get you a refill on your drink, ma’am?”

“Y-yes.” Then, catching herself, she spoke again with more confidence. “Um. No. Thank you. I don’t know you from Adam.”

He extended his hand. “Drew Parker.”

She raised an eyebrow.

“Allison and John will vouch for me. No funny business. I promise.” He tilted his head toward another Femdom, Allison, and her longtime boyfriend and sub, John. Beth knew them both, although not well.

Beth waited until Allison looked in her direction, and gave her a questioning look. Allison smiled and nodded.

Reluctantly, Beth handed her glass to the man sitting beside her.

“What would you like?” he asked.

“The bartender knows. Just tell him it’s for Beth.” Her answer came out more clipped than usual. She wanted him to take his leave as quickly as possible before she went and did something stupid. Beth kept her gaze on him as he walked away. Her stomach was doing flip-flops and she didn’t like it one bit.

He returned a few minutes later and handed her a small glass filled with half Coke and half Sprite. Beth rarely drank alcohol, and never at the club. Whenever she came to Serpent’s Kiss, she was either playing with Ben or she was alone where she’d have to drive home. Either way, she didn’t drink.

After taking the glass from Drew, she turned back to her friends, effectively ignoring her unwanted admirer once more. Nicole had a knowing smirk on her face that Beth desperately wished she could wipe off. Maybe she could borrow one of the club’s floggers. It had been a while since she’d thrown one, and she had to admit the thought of having the leather in her hands again was appealing.

For the next hour, Drew continued to sit beside her in silence as she chatted with her friends. Everyone in their small group brought Beth up to date on what was going on in their lives. Meanwhile, her new admirer said nothing. And although he did little more than sit there, he was making her uneasy. Every one of her nerve endings seemed to be aware of him.

Finally, Beth couldn’t take it any longer and turned to face him. “I don’t know what you’re looking for, but let me spell out exactly what I’m not looking for. I’m not looking for a submissive and I don’t play with random partners.”

“I understand.” His voice was smooth, and it sent tingles down her spine. This was not good.

She quirked an eyebrow at him. “You understand?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

Beth waited for him to leave, but he remained where he was. “So if you know I’m not looking for a relationship or a play partner then why are you sitting here?”

“I’d like to get to know you, if you’re agreeable.” He sounded sincere.

“You want to be friends?” she asked.

“Yes, ma’am.”


He shrugged. “You seem interesting.”

Beth gave him a hard look trying to decide if he was telling the truth or not. She never used to question her judgment, but after Ben, everything was different. “Do you have a mistress?”

“No, ma’am. I’m pretty new to the lifestyle.”

“How new?”

“A few months.” His gaze never left hers.