After she got home from the café Beth second-guessed giving Drew her phone number. Although the rational side of her brain kept trying to talk her down, the irrational part wouldn’t shut off. Thoughts of her phone ringing every five minutes soared through her head the entire drive.

By the time Saturday night rolled around, Beth began to calm down. Drew hadn’t called. Not once. It had only been two days, but for some reason she’d expected him to utilize her phone number or show up when she least expected it. He did neither and she was adamantly ignoring the tinge of disappointment it caused.

As Beth dressed to go to the club, she eyed her phone where it lay on her dresser. She knew that in all likelihood Drew would be there, and she was trying to convince herself that she wasn’t anxious to see him.

Readjusting her necklace, Beth took a final look at herself. She’d chosen one of her more provocative outfits—not for Drew’s benefit, of course. Her top wrapped around her torso, coming to a deep V that ended a few inches above her navel. It showed off her breasts nicely as well as her waist. The leather skirt she’d chosen clung to her hips, and ended roughly four inches above her knees. It covered everything it needed to, but also showed off her long legs. To enhance the effect, she’d chosen black stockings and her favorite boots. The boots were also leather and had a three-and-a-half-inch heel.

She picked up her jacket and slipped it over her blood-red top, which also happened to match her lipstick. The outfit made a statement, and on some level Beth knew she was playing with fire. But for the first time in more than three months, she didn’t much care. She was going to enjoy herself. She was going to prove to herself, and to everyone else, that Ben no longer had any sway over her life. Tonight had nothing to do with Drew. It was about her taking control of her life again.

Now, if she could just believe that, she’d be all right.

Twenty minutes later, Beth pulled into the parking lot outside Serpent’s Kiss. The space was nearly full. From the look of it, there would be a decent crowd inside the club. Then again, it was Saturday night, so that was to be expected. Katrina had created a safe, fun environment for kinksters to both socialize and play.

Beth crossed the short distance to the club’s entrance, and stepped inside the small foyer. She removed the red and black plastic card from her purse, and slid it through the card reader beside the door. Two seconds later, the light on the reader turned green and the interior door unlocked, allowing her to enter.

She stepped into the second room—this one larger than the first—and was greeted by Ali, a woman not that much older than Beth herself. Ali had been a member at the club for a little over a year. She didn’t have a Dom, but every now and then she would volunteer for a demonstration. Beth knew Ali was on the lookout for a more permanent play partner, but as far as Beth knew, she hadn’t set her sights on anyone specific. “Good evening, Lady Beth.”

Beth removed her jacket and handed it to Ali, who was manning the coat check for the evening. “Thank you, Ali. Looks like the club is rather busy tonight.”

“It is. There’s been a steady stream of people for the last hour or so.” Ali paused and glanced down for a moment. “I believe I even saw that new sub, Drew, come in a short while ago.”

“Is that so?” Hearing he was inside made Beth’s heart rate kick up a notch.

“Yes, ma’am.”

Nodding, Beth headed for the door that would lead her to the club itself. Squaring her shoulders, she opened the door, and entered the main room. She immediately began searching through the crowd. Beth told herself she was only looking for her friends, but that wasn’t entirely true. Sure, she was looking for Nicole and the other members of the group she typically hung out with, but she was mainly scanning for Drew. Ali said he was there, which also told Beth that everyone in the club knew he’d set his sights on her. For some reason, knowing that didn’t bother her as much as it probably should.

Ignoring her nerves, Beth continued her search. She wanted to find him first. She wanted to be the one to set the tone this time around.

Right when she was about to give up and head to where she’d seen Nicole and Jeff sitting across the room, she spotted Drew. He was sitting with his friends, Allison and John.

Beth hesitated, but then Drew looked up. She knew the exact moment when he found her in the crowd. His eyes went wide, and his lips fell open. Before she could lose her nerve, Beth took a deep breath and walked toward him.


Drew about lost it when he caught sight of Beth. His cock jumped to attention and began straining against the confines of his jeans. The closer she got to him, the worse his condition became. Beth was wearing a curve-hugging leather skirt and black boots that ended right below her knees. He couldn’t see the rear view, but his imagination had already taken over and then some.

If the skirt and boots weren’t enough, the top she had on was downright sinful. It was deep red and dipped low, showing off her cleavage. Drew knew he was going to need some serious alone time later. He only hoped he could make it home first.

When she was about ten feet away, he stood. He had to ball his hands into fists to keep from reaching for her. The fact he couldn’t touch her at all was driving him crazy—especially when she showed up looking like this.

She came to a stop in front of him and smiled. “I was wondering if you’d be here tonight.”

He shrugged, trying to appear calm even though he was anything but. “I try to come on my nights off. Gets me out of the house and keeps me out of trouble.”

Drew had meant it as a joke, but when Beth’s eyes sparkled with amusement he knew something was coming. “You come to a kink club to stay out of trouble?”

Heat rushed to his face, and Drew couldn’t believe she was actually making him blush. “I guess you have a point. Maybe that was the wrong choice of words.”

Beth chuckled. “Maybe.”

He felt something nudge his foot, and glanced down. Although John wasn’t looking at him, Drew knew his friend must want an introduction. It wasn’t as if Drew had talked about anything besides Beth the last few weeks. Considering John was the only friend Drew had he could talk to about her, he’d taken full advantage.

Clearing his throat, Drew angled his body so Beth could get a clear view of John and Allison. “I don’t know if you know my friends. This is Allison and John.”

Allison nodded in Beth’s direction. “We’ve met. It’s good to see you back at the club.”

“Thanks. It’s good to be back,” Beth said.