She was quiet for a several minutes, and he took the opportunity to finish his meal.

When she spoke again Drew had the urge to hug her, but he resisted. “I can’t offer you anything more than friendship right now. I’m sorry. I just can’t.”

“I understand.”

“You keep saying that.”

“And I mean it. Like I told you before, I’m willing to take what you’re offering. No strings,” he said.

Beth snorted. “You sent me flowers.”


“So that isn’t exactly something a friend would do.”

He pretended to be offended. “Says who?”

She chuckled and shook her head. “Says me, that’s who.”

“You’ve never had a friend send you flowers?” he asked.

“Not the point.” She rolled her eyes at him.

Drew had to admit he was having fun, and since she seemed to be right there with him, he continued. “Sure it is. You mean to tell me Nicole has never sent you flowers?”

“Yes. She has. For my birthday. But Nicole is not you.” There was a light in Beth’s eyes—a sparkle—and he loved seeing it.

“Ah. So I’m not special enough to send you flowers. I see how it is.”

Beth rested her face in her hands and laughed. “You’re impossible.”

He grinned. “Am I?”

She looked up at him, amusement the most dominant emotion on her face. “Yes. You know exactly what I mean, and you’re intentionally missing the point I’m trying to make. You’re a guy. Guys don’t send flowers to women they’re friends with.”

His expression sobered. “Would you rather I not have sent them?”

Beth paused and seemed to consider his question. “No. I liked the flowers. I just don’t want you to get your hopes up.”

“I’m not.” He’d said it before, and if she needed him to, he’d repeat it every day until she believed him.


Beth wasn’t sure if she should believe what Drew was saying or not. It was obvious he wanted more than friendship from her. Looking like he did, she couldn’t imagine why he’d be willing to settle for friendship when he could probably go down to the local bar and find several women willing to give him whatever he wanted.

It irked her how much that thought turned her stomach. Although she wasn’t ready for a relationship with Drew or anyone else, the thought of him with another woman made her ready to pounce. Even she knew that wasn’t fair. Beth had no claim on him. He was free to date, and even sleep with, whomever he wanted.

She stood quickly, sending the chair scraping along the floor. “I should get back to work if I want to get home at a decent hour.”

Drew arose and picked up his plate. “Want some help?”

“That’s all right. Tommy and I—”

“Please? I took you away from what you were doing . . . put you behind. Let me help.”

Beth tilted her head to the side and considered his offer. If Nicole had offered to help her close down for the day, Beth would have jumped at the chance and would have immediately put her to work. If she was going to allow Drew into her circle of friends, shouldn’t she treat him the same?

“All right. Follow me.”