He rolled his eyes. “Come on, B. You never get flowers. I bet it’s that hunky firefighter. I saw the way he was looking at you.”

“And just how was he looking at me?”

“Like he was imagining what you looked like with your clothes off.”


He chuckled. “Well, it’s the truth. Now, are you going to open the card or not?”

Beth toyed with the idea of not opening it for about two seconds, before running her finger along the envelope’s seam. Whether she liked it or not, she was curious.

Slipping the card out of the envelope, she flipped it open.


Thank you for breakfast.


“Well?” Tommy demanded.

She fought a smile, and lost the battle. “They’re from Drew.”

“The firefighter?”


Tommy did a fist pump. “I knew it.”

It was Beth’s turn to roll her eyes.


“So what?” she asked.

He sighed. “Sooo. Are you going to go out with him?”

“Just because he sent me flowers doesn’t mean we’re going out on a date.”

“Pfft. A guy doesn’t send a woman flowers he doesn’t have the hots for.”

Beth moved about the kitchen to get some water for her flowers. “Don’t you have customers to wait on?”

Tommy gave her a hard stare. “Yes. Probably. But, B, give this guy a chance. I like him.”

“Why? Because he’s a firefighter?”

“No. Because I’ve met him three times now and not once has he talked down to me.”

She knew what Tommy was saying. Ben would often come into the café for free meals when he was in town. Whenever Tommy was at the counter, which was almost always, Ben would make Tommy feel as if he were little more than a child—at least that was Tommy’s view. Whenever Beth would ask Ben about it, he would deny doing any such thing. And, of course, Beth never witnessed the interactions personally. Ben was always on his best behavior when she was out front.

“I’ll think about it, okay?”

Tommy smiled.

“Now, get out there and take care of our customers,” Beth ordered.

He stuck out his tongue, and jogged away.