Beth hated to admit it, but she was more aware of him than she’d like—even when having such a mundane conversation. “Um. Well, the short version?”


“I used to work in a bakery, but after the owner died it closed up. I was trying to figure out what to do with myself. One day I was having lunch with a friend at a little restaurant across town. When they brought out our sandwiches, they were less than stellar.”

“And you thought you could do better?” Drew asked.

“Not exactly. My friend thought I could. And by the end of our lunch, she had me thinking seriously about opening up my own place.”

He grinned. “And you did.”

Beth couldn’t help but grin back. “I did. It was the best decision I ever made. Lots of hard work, but definitely worth it.”

Drew cleared his throat. “I should apologize for last week—for just showing up in your café like that. I had no idea you’d be there.”

Beth sighed. “I know you didn’t. It’s fine.”

“So you’re all right with me maybe stopping in to get a bite to eat once in a while?”

Was she? To tell him no would be rude, but look at what happened the last time. She’d ended up hiding out in the supply closet for two hours.

“That was the wrong thing to ask, wasn’t it?”

“No. I mean, of course it’s fine. Why wouldn’t it be?” Oh, maybe because his appearance had thrown her off for the rest of the day? She couldn’t tell him that, though.

“Okay. Good. I’m glad.” He gave her a smile that had her heart racing.

“Nicole told me you’ve been a member of the club for a little over a month.” She needed to get their conversation back on track.

“Yes. It’s been a good experience so far.”

“You said you’re new to BDSM.”

“That’s right.”

Before either of them could say any more, Nicole sat down across from them. “My feet are killing me. I never should have worn these new boots.”

“That’s why you never play in new shoes,” Beth said.

Nicole slipped off one of her boots and began massaging her arch. Her submissive, Jeff, appeared a moment later with a drink for her. She took a sip and sighed. “Thank you, love. That’s just what I needed.”

Without words, she lifted her foot slightly and rotated it. Jeff got the message and lowered himself to the floor. He adjusted Nicole’s foot so that it was resting in his lap, and he began gently kneading her flesh.

The rest of the evening was spent with the four of them talking about an upcoming spanking event scheduled the following week. Nicole and Jeff dominated the bulk of the conversation. Spanking was one of their main kinks, and both of them were looking forward to the event.

While Beth enjoyed spanking, she didn’t get as into it as some of the other Femdoms. There were other things one could do to a sub that were a lot more fun, in her opinion.

As the conversation continued, she found herself watching Drew’s reactions. He seemed interested. Beth wondered if he’d ever had an erotic spanking before. It was a foolish train of thought, but one she was beginning to realize was inevitable. She was attracted to him. No matter how much she tried to deny it, facts were facts. That didn’t mean she had to act on it.

By midnight, Beth was ready to call it a night. Like last weekend, Drew offered to walk her to her car. She opened the driver side door and turned around to face him. “Thank you for the escort.”

Drew smiled. “You’re welcome.”

There was a moment of tension before Beth broke it by sliding behind the wheel. “Good night, Drew.”

“Good night, Beth.”
