Daniel raised his glass of amber liquid. “To the end of Alexander’s search. May all go well.”
They all raised their glasses and toasted.
Katrina strolled over to the group and propped herself up on the edge of one of the couches. “Are we having a party over here?”
“Something like that,” Alexander said, tilting his glass toward her. “The PI you recommended, Peter Monroe, found her. He found Grace.”
Beth nearly choked on her drink. Grace? Surely he couldn’t mean . . .
But the more she sat and thought about it, the more things added up. She debated whether or not to say anything, but decided to keep her mouth shut. It wasn’t as if Alexander hadn’t already found her. Any information she would provide wouldn’t assist him in accomplishing whatever it was he meant to do. Besides, maybe it wasn’t the same Grace he was looking for. There had to be more than one Grace in St. Louis, right? And who could have also lost their husband in combat. Even as she thought it, she knew the chances that there were two Graces in St. Louis with the same circumstances were unlikely.
She felt as if someone was staring at her. When she looked down Drew was gazing up at her with a concerned look in his eyes. “Are you okay, Mistress?”
The last thing she wanted was for Drew to think something was wrong. If anything, everything was right. She and Drew were living together. They had even begun to talk about marriage. Work was good. Her friends were happy. What more could she ask for?
Beth caressed the side of his face before tangling her fingers in his hair. “I’m not sure I could be any more perfect. I was just thinking about how far we’ve come in the last few months.”
That brought a smile to his face. “Does that mean you’re ready to say yes and marry me?”
She played with the hairs at the base of his neck. The words were there on the tip of her tongue. “What would you do if I said yes?”
His eyes went wide. “Are you serious? Are you really saying yes?”
All conversation around them stopped. She knew their friends had picked up on the fact that something big was happening. They might not know what it was yet, but she knew that would change in the next moment.
Beth worried the side of her cheek and nodded.
All sense of decorum left Drew as he all but tackled her, kissing every inch of her skin that he could reach. Perhaps she should have been upset—they were in the club, after all—but she was too happy. Surrounded by their friends, she kissed him back with just as much excitement.
“I’ll make you happy for the rest of our lives. I promise,” Drew declared.
She looked him in the eyes and ran the pad of her thumb over his bottom lip. “I’ll hold you to that.”
“Oh yeah,” she said as she brought him in for another kiss. Life might not always be a bed of roses, but as long as Drew was with her, she was more than willing to embrace the thorns that came along with it.