Page 137 of Burning For Her Kiss

Drew tried to hold off until she came again, but it wasn’t possible. Her permission had triggered a reaction that he couldn’t keep a lid on. He closed his eyes and groaned as cum shot out of his cock and up inside her.

By the time he came to his senses again, Beth was still sitting astride him, but she had a shit-eating grin on her face.

“Did you?” he asked. The thought that she hadn’t finished bothered him.

She leaned down and propped her head up on his chest. “Oh yeah.”

He smiled and brushed a damp strand of hair away from her face. “I love you.”

Her expression changed. The lighthearted air of moments before was gone. In its place was a look that warmed him down to the tips of his toes. “I know.”



One Month Later

Drew made sure the back door was locked before heading into the foyer. They would be leaving for Serpent’s Kiss as soon as Beth came downstairs. She’d wanted to take a shower before changing into her club wear. He had no idea what outfit she was going to put on. She said she wanted to surprise him, so he’d ducked downstairs to watch some television while she finished getting ready.

Living together had presented a few challenges that neither one of them had foreseen. He hadn’t lived with anyone since his parents. And while Beth had technically shared a living space with Ben, he was often gone on ‘business trips.’ Drew’s twenty-four-hour shifts were a lot different than Ben’s two- to three-week jaunts.

They were working it out, but it was taking some major communication. In a way, their obstacles were a good thing. When something came up, they both had to figure out what it was about the particular issue that was causing the problem and then find a solution. It was ultimately bringing them closer and building more trust.

Hearing her heels on the stairs, Drew turned toward the sound. When he got his first glimpse of her, his mouth dropped open. Beth was wearing that blood-red top that he’d loved so much—the one that dipped down low in the front—and a pair of fitted black pants with heels. She looked downright sinful.

He reached out a hand and helped her down the last few steps. “You look amazing.”

“Thank you,” she said, slipping into his arms.

Drew took the opportunity to cup her ass.

She chuckled. “So predictable.”

“What can I say? I adore your ass.”

Beth kissed him. “I don’t think anyone would argue with you.”

He squeezed her backside, pulling her flush against his body as he relished the feel of her lips on his.

“Hmm. Are you ready to go?” she asked.

“More than ready. It’s been a long week.” Drew released her, and they made their way to the garage. What he needed was to get out of his head for a while. Nothing did that better than kneeling at Beth’s feet. He was looking forward to a night of light conversation with friends and serving his mistress.

They walked into the club holding hands. It was the middle of July and even at nearly eight at night, the heat from earlier in the day was still making itself known. He’d spent some time earlier, while Beth was at work, helping to deliver fans to the elderly. They were expecting to see temperatures near one hundred in the next two weeks. He wasn’t looking forward to fighting fires in that kind of heat. He’d rather deal with the snow.

Beth stopped right inside the door. They were alone in the small foyer. She didn’t say anything, just simply ran her thumb back and forth over the inside of his wrist below the watch she’d given him. He needed to focus.

Nodding, he lowered his eyes getting himself into the right mindset. As they’d gotten closer as a couple, Drew found that he embraced his submission to her more and more. He didn’t think he’d ever be able to submit twenty-four-seven like some, but there were times, even outside the bedroom, when he wanted and needed to let go of himself and just be.

Seeming satisfied, Beth swiped her card and led them into the main lobby. Ali was there reading a book. Given the rising temperatures outside, there wasn’t much call for a coat check.

Ali waved at them. “Good evening, Lady Beth. Drew.”

“How are you, Ali?” Beth asked. While Drew didn’t have any speech restrictions while they were at the club other than being polite and respectful, he tried to remember his place and defer to her whenever possible.

“Glad to be in the air conditioning. Mine’s out.”

Beth strolled over to the small alcove that surrounded Ali. “I hope you’re getting it fixed. It’s supposed to be pretty unbearable next week.”