Page 125 of Burning For Her Kiss

When she reached between her legs, that was it for him. He came with a grunt, spilling his cum on the tile below his feet.

Getting out of the shower several minutes later, Beth handed him a towel. “Next time maybe you’ll rethink molesting me first thing in the morning.”

He was confused. Then again, he wasn’t sure all the blood had made it back to his head yet. “Why?”

Beth wound a towel around her head and used another on her body. “Cocky boys don’t get to come inside their mistresses. Remember that,” she said as she strolled out of the bathroom.

Drew was left speechless for a moment, and then he laughed. He doubted life with Beth would ever be predictable, and he was perfectly okay with that.


Chapter 31

Beth managed to make it to work on time. How, she didn’t know. Sex in the shower had taken longer than anticipated, but she and Drew had worked together to make breakfast and she was able to get out the door in record time. That was good because she had plans for her evening and she didn’t want to be stuck at work any later than she needed to be.

Granted, that was happening less and less since Beth had hired Grace. She was a good worker. A little shy, but polite and more than competent. In her short time at the café, Beth had learned that Grace had lost her husband about six months ago. He was a soldier killed overseas. Beth hadn’t gotten any details. She wasn’t sure Grace could have held it together long enough to give them to her.

The woman in question walked into the kitchen with an empty tray. “We ran out of blueberry muffins.”

Nodding, Beth motioned toward the sink. “It’s too late in the day to make any more. That’s the second time this week, though. I might have to reconsider how many we’re making each day.”

Grace did as instructed and then joined Beth at the counter. “Tommy says things are slowing down out there so he doesn’t need me.”

“Okay. Well, why don’t you go check on the customers and then you can start getting things cleaned up back here. Maybe we can all get out of here a little early today.”

Things worked in their favor, and they were able to get everything cleaned and closed down before three o’clock. Having a third person made a huge difference.

As Beth was leaving the cafe, her cell phone rang. She looked at the caller ID, but didn’t recognize the number. It was local, though, and just in case it was Drew, she answered. “Hello?”

“Hello, Beth. It’s Seth Parker. Drew’s brother. I was hoping I could speak with you.”

Beth wasn’t sure she wanted to talk to Drew’s brother after the way he’d been the weekend before, but she had to admit she was curious. “Okay. Go ahead.”

“I’d rather talk in person.”

Her defenses went up. “Your brother’s working today, but I’m sure we could arrange—”

“I’d prefer it be just the two of us, if you didn’t mind. I’m out in front of your business now if you have time.”

He was here? Now? She glanced over her shoulder expecting him to magically appear, but no one was there. “All right. Give me ten minutes and I’ll meet you out front.”

She hung up the phone and turned around to find Tommy standing there. “Everything, okay?”

“Yeah. Everything’s fine. You ready to go?” she asked.

They walked out the back door and she locked it behind her. Tommy climbed in his car, and she waved goodbye to him as he drove off. Grace had an appointment at three she couldn’t reschedule, so Beth had sent her home as soon as they’d closed since they were caught up.

Beth waited until Tommy’s car was out of sight before getting into her vehicle and driving around to the front of the building. Seth was there, leaning up against the ledge of one of the café’s large windows. She parked along the curb and climbed out to see what he wanted.

“I was hoping I’d catch you before you closed but I had a meeting that ran late,” he said, pushing away from the building.

He looked like an older version of Drew, but the way he carried himself was quite different. Drew could act full of himself sometimes, but he was also very approachable. Beth imagined Seth went after what he wanted and didn’t take no for an answer. A profitable skill for a lawyer, no doubt, but completely undesirable in a mate as far as Beth was concerned.

“What can I do for you?” Beth figured it was better to cut to the chase.

“I’m told I owe you an apology.”

That surprised her.