Page 118 of Burning For Her Kiss

Katrina was finishing up a conversation with a man Beth didn’t recognize. She guessed he was a new member. He looked to be not much older than Beth, but he had a cane. Considering he appeared to be in fairly good shape, the cane seemed out of place.

“Beth,” Katrina greeted. “I’d like you to meet Alexander. He just moved to St. Louis last week.”

He shifted his weight to offer her his hand and Beth realized he must be recovering from some sort of injury. “It’s very nice to meet you, Beth.”

“You, too.” Although she really did want to talk to Katrina, Beth was curious about this new arrival. It wasn’t often that someone moved into town one week and joined a private kink club the next. “What brings you to St. Louis?”

Something passed across his face before he answered. “It’s a long story, but I made a promise to a buddy of mine.”

“And that promise was moving to St. Louis?” She knew she was being nosy, but considering his cryptic response how could she not be?

He chuckled. “Not exactly. It’s more that he wanted me to give something to someone and I’m here trying to find them.”

“Does that mean you’re just passing through?” If that was the case, it still didn’t make sense as to why he’d joined Serpent’s Kiss.

“I haven’t decided. So far, I’m enjoying the city. I might decide to stay and open a practice here.”

“Lawyer?” she asked.

“No. I’m a doctor. Spent nearly ten years in the army before this”—he tapped his leg with his cane—“forced me out.”

Beth supposed that explained the cane. And his age. “I’m sorry to hear that. Hopefully you’ll like it here and decide to stick around.”

“That is a very real possibility.” He shifted his weight again as if his leg was bothering him. “Now, if you’ll excuse me ladies. I need to sit down for a while and get off my leg. It’s been a long day and I’m afraid I’ve pushed myself more than I should.”

She watched him walk toward the bar and noticed a small limp. “Dom?”

Katrina nodded. “He’ll be a good addition to the club, I think.”

“If he sticks around.”

“We’ll see.” Katrina shrugged as if it was no big deal either way. “And how are you and your new sub doing?”


Beth drew out the word and Katrina picked up on it. “You don’t seem too confident.”

When she’d decided to talk to Katrina, Beth hadn’t considered how she’d broach the subject with the club mistress. Nicole may have been her best friend, but she and Katrina had always had a good relationship. In the beginning, when Beth had no clue what she was doing, Katrina had helped her with Ben. Beth trusted Katrina’s advice. “I wanted to ask you something . . . personal.”

Katrina cocked her head to the side. “And what would that be?”

The more she thought about it, the more Beth thought this wasn’t such a good idea. “Never mind.”

“Beth. It isn’t as if we just met. If you want to ask me something, ask me. I can always tell you it’s none of your business.” She smiled to soften the impact of her words.

“And you may very well do just that.”

“Never know if you don’t ask,” Katrina said.

“Okay. Well . . . how did you know your husband was ‘the one’?” Saying it out loud made her feel silly.

Katrina’s eyes went wide and flashed in Drew’s direction. “Really? That’s wonderful, Beth.”

“Is it? I don’t know.” Beth chewed on the inside of her cheek. “That’s why I wanted to know how you knew.”

It took Katrina a moment to answer. “I’m not sure I can really help you. My relationship with my late husband was complicated, especially during the last few years. But to answer your question, it was more a feeling that I didn’t want to be without him. For all of our issues, he had a way of making me feel as if I were the only woman in the room.”

Beth nodded.