“Oh. Okay.”

Nicole smirked. “Come. Let’s get a drink.”

Without a better option, Drew allowed Nicole to lead him across the room to the bar. She ordered herself a drink, and he did the same.

They found two bar stools and sat down. “You handled last Saturday well. If I didn’t know any better, I would have thought we’d never met.”

“Well, we hadn’t. Not officially.”

She smiled. “True.”

The bartender placed their drinks in front of them, and Nicole twirled the little umbrella between her fingers. “What are your intentions, Drew Parker?”

He nearly choked on his drink. “Excuse me?”

“You heard me. I’m sure you’ve heard Beth’s story. Or at least part of it. I don’t want to see her hurt. So I’ll ask again. What are your intentions?”

Drew thought for a moment. He could refuse to answer, but he wasn’t sure that was the best idea. So far, Nicole had been his best ally. “I want to ask her out.”


“And I don’t know. As I’m sure you know, I’m new to this. I don’t really know what comes next. Or if I’m overstepping some unwritten rule. All I know is that I’m attracted to her. I’d like to see if there’s more.”

“Are you looking for a relationship, or someone to scratch your itch?” Nicole asked.

Drew had to hand it to her. She wasn’t pulling any punches. “I’m looking for a relationship. Is Beth that woman? I don’t know yet.”

Nicole took a sip of her drink and grinned. “Fair enough. And honest. Okay, I’ll help you. But if you break her heart, I’ll break your balls. Got it?”

The look she gave Drew had him swallowing nervously. He had no doubt she meant it. “Got it.”

“Good. Now, go mingle with your friends. In about an hour, find her and say hi. Keep it light.”

“Anything else?” he asked.

She slid off the stool and patted him on the back. “Turn on that firefighter charm all you boys are famous for. It might make a small dent in that wall of hers.”

Drew snorted, and watched as Nicole strolled across the room to join Beth and Katrina. They spoke for a few minutes before the club owner excused herself. Beth leaned in and whispered something to Nicole. He figured Beth wasn’t happy he and Nicole had been chatting.

Following Nicole’s advice, Drew went to find John and Allison. They were upstairs watching a scene in one of the semiprivate rooms. The Dom had his submissive in a spread-eagle on a Saint Andrew’s cross. It was obvious he’d been working on her for a while. Her back and ass were red, and he was in the process of inserting a butt plug.

“You made it.” John smiled, and nodded toward the large viewing window. “Mistress wanted to see the scene. You just missed the flogging. Very intense.”

“Looks like it.”

“Daniel is one of the best at flogging, especially Florentine,” Allison supplied.

They stood there watching the rest of the scene, which concluded with the sub hanging limp in her bindings after several screaming orgasms. By the time it was over, Drew was hard as a rock. He knew he couldn’t seek out Beth with his cock straining against his jeans.

He excused himself and headed back downstairs. Instead of going into the main room, he turned the corner, and found a spot along the wall. He leaned back against the vertical surface and took several deep breaths. He had to calm down—a difficult feat in a club shrouded in sex.

It took a while, but he got himself under control. He strolled out into the main room of the club and scanned for Beth. She was sitting next to Nicole near the center of the room.

Taking his time, he made his way over to her. “Hello again.”

Beth glanced up.

He wasn’t sure what to make of the look on her face. “May I sit down?”