Page 105 of Burning For Her Kiss

“It wasn’t. And it wasn’t just the popcorn. But it was at that moment when I realized that he wasn’t like all those selfish guys I’d dated in the past. He was always asking if he could get me anything, or going out of his way to help me relax after a stressful day at work. It was then that I realized we clicked, and that I wanted to be with him long term. Being with him did, and still does, make me happy,” Nicole said.

Beth thought back on her time with Drew. He did make her happy. But was that love or just hormones? She honestly didn’t know.

“Look, you don’t have to take my word for it. One of these days it will just hit you like it did me. You’ll see.”

“And if it doesn’t? What if Ben broke that part of me and I can’t get it back?” It might sound like a stupid question, but in her mind it made perfect sense.

“You gave Drew a key to your house, right?”

She rolled her eyes. “You know I did because me telling you that is what started this whole conversation.”

Nicole picked up her fork and began eating once more. “A month ago you didn’t think you’d be able to trust another man again. You wouldn’t have given Drew a key to your home if you didn’t trust him.”

This was true. Beth did trust him. Whether that trust was misplaced or not remained to be seen.


Drew used his new key to let himself in Beth’s front door. He’d hightailed it out of the station as soon as he could, but even still, it was getting close to eight thirty. The house was quiet, so he figured she was still asleep.

Hitching his duffel bag a little higher on his shoulder, he made sure the door was locked behind him, and climbed the stairs. It had been a rough shift. Not because of the calls—they’d only had two after Beth’s visit—no, it was due to the ribbing he’d endured from the guys. He tried to take it in stride. It was par for the course when you worked with fifteen other guys. The only thing he wanted to do was crawl into bed with Beth and feel her warm body pressed against his.

When he stepped into her bedroom, he was surprised to find her wide-awake and waiting for him. “I thought you’d be asleep.”

“I didn’t sleep all that well last night. It was lonely in this bed all by myself.”

She threw back the covers. It was only then that he realized she was completely naked. He swallowed and dropped his bag.

“Come here, Captain.” Beth spread her legs for him. “There’s something that desperately needs your attention.”

All the innuendo and suggestive comments he’d had to deal with over the past twenty-four hours disappeared as he crawled onto the bed and took up position between her legs. Her pussy gleamed back at him, already moist and ready for his attentions.

“I missed you, Mistress.” He dipped his tongue into her heat and partook.

Beth placed her hand on the back of his head and lifted her hips. “I missed you, too.”

He had no idea what she’d been thinking about before he arrived, but whatever it was had her very wet. Her clit was already peeking out from beneath its hood, and he teased it as he sucked and licked every inch of her within easy reach of his mouth. It was the perfect way to end his shift—start his day—however you wanted to look at it.

Her fingers dug into his scalp as she got closer. He flicked his tongue against her clit in rapid succession because he knew how much she liked that. Drew felt her legs begin to tremble, and then her breath hitched. A moment later, she arched her back and released a high-pitched squeal.

When she glanced down at him still perched between her thighs, he knew he had a shit-eating grin on his face.

“Thank you. I needed that,” she said, caressing the side of his face.


Beth sat up and stretched.

He was unsure what to do next. Their arrangement said they would only play on his four-day-off stretches, but they’d already discovered that most of their sexual encounters involved some level of kink, even the more vanilla ones. There was nothing he wanted more after eating her pussy than to sink his cock inside her.

She patted his cheek and then turned to put her feet on the floor as if she was going to get up. “I’ll use the bathroom down the hall. Get yourself ready for bed. I’ll be back in a minute.”

Although he was somewhat disappointed, he didn’t argue with her. Drew went to retrieve his duffel bag and dug out his toothbrush and toothpaste. If all they were going to do was sleep, he might as well go through his normal pre-bed routine.

Ten minutes later, Beth strolled into the room still as naked as she’d been when she left. He was in her bed waiting for her. She climbed in beside him and reached for him.

Drew met her halfway, and his heart began to race as she drew his mouth down to hers. “I thought—”

Beth kissed him hard. “You thought what?”