Page 103 of Burning For Her Kiss

Drew shook his head and stood. He still had a few minutes before he had to be in Chief Franks’ office, but he needed a breather from the interrogation. “No can do. I’ll be at my parents’ Monday for their big shindig.”

“I’m surprised you’d want to leave your new girl that long. She may find someone else while you’re gone.”

Romeo thought he was smart, but Drew was about to make clear the position Beth held in his life. He strolled with coffee in hand toward the door that would lead him out to the bay and the stairs to Chief Franks’ office on the second floor. “Not likely since I’m taking her with me.”

He knew there would be a price to pay for that kind of admission, but seeing Romeo momentarily speechless had been worth it. For now he needed to concentrate on his job. Cameron was right. If last night’s fire was by the same arsonist that would mean six buildings had been hit. So far no one had been hurt—not civilian or firefighter—but set fires were always more dangerous. They tended to burn hotter and spread faster than your typical fire. They really needed to catch this guy.

Four hours later, Drew was working on some paperwork while his guys did some general housework around the station. He shifted slightly and was reminded of Friday night when he’d been able to feel the residual effects of Beth’s spanking. His morning had been full between his meeting with Chief Franks and a call about a hydrant not working properly. This was the first opportunity he’d had to decompress.

Every time Beth crossed his mind he would start grinning. It was impossible not to. Drew finally had the kind of relationship he wanted, and with a woman who kept him engaged and interested outside sex. He’d never had that before and he knew, even now, that he was never going to want to give that up. Beth was it for him. He just had to get her to see it, too.

A knock sounded on the doorjamb causing Drew to look up. Jamison, a private on Willis’ ladder crew, framed the doorway. “There’s someone out front asking for you.”

Confused, Drew nodded and set his pen down to go see who it was. Seth had only dropped by once in seven years, so Drew doubted it was him.

When he rounded the corner, he couldn’t believe his eyes. It was Beth. “Hey.”

“Hey.” She looked uncharacteristically shy. “I hope you don’t mind that I came.”

“No. Not at all.” He pulled her out of the main hall and into one of the side rooms so they could have a little privacy. “I’m just a little surprised. Everything all right?”

Beth reached into her pocket and pulled out a watch. His watch. “You left it on my dresser.”

“Thanks for bringing it to me.” He took the watch and secured it on his right wrist.

“You’re welcome. I didn’t know if you would need it today or not.”

“I’m surprised I didn’t realize it was missing.” Drew was shocked really. It was a gift from his parents upon graduating from the fire academy. He rarely left home without wearing it, and it was as much a part of his work uniform as his dark blue pants and polo shirt were.

“Well, you have it now, so . . .”

Drew was torn. He didn’t want her to go, but he knew she couldn’t stay either. “Do you have any plans for today?”

It was a weak attempt to prolong her visit. “I’m meeting Nicole for lunch, actually.”

He glanced down at his watch. “It’s already after twelve.”

“I know,” she said. “I’m going to be late.”

“I’ll walk you out.”

Beth nodded, and he followed close behind her as she walked down the hallway and out the front door. She turned, hesitating. Beth didn’t act as if she wanted to leave any more than he wanted her to go.

Drew felt her press something into his hand. He opened his palm to find a key.

“Come over tomorrow morning when you get off work.” Although she didn’t pose it as a question, he knew she was really asking.

“Are you sure?” Giving him a key to her house was a big step—especially for her.

“I’m sure.”

Drew searched her eyes to see if he could detect any hesitation or uncertainty on her part. He found none.

Closing his fingers around the key, he slipped it into his pocket. “I’ll try to be quiet.”

Beth took a step toward him. She grabbed a fistful of his shirt in her right hand and twisted, pulling him closer. Her lips were on his before he could think about the consequences. Then there wasn’t much thinking at all as the memory of her mouth and her body against him the night before spread through every muscle of his being.

When she finally detached her mouth from his, she looked up at him with heavy-lidded eyes. “Don’t be too quiet.”