Page 66 of Truth

Chapter Eighteen


I couldn’t believe Cal was coming over tonight to have dinner. He was bringing his girlfriend with him. He’d mentioned her a few times during our phone conversations, but I didn’t know much about her other than they’d been going out for almost a year. I didn’t know what she knew about me or Stephan either. I could only hope that she was nice, and that Stephan and Cal didn’t get into one of their staring contests.

Stephan came home a little after four to help me get everything ready. He appeared to be in a good mood as we worked alongside each other in the kitchen, touching and kissing me every chance he got. At one point, I almost dropped the eggs I had in my hand. He’d come up behind me, wrapped his arms around my waist, and proceeded to kiss his way down my neck, over my shoulder, and then along the length of my arm.

It was always difficult to concentrate when his lips were on me like that. By the time he reached the tips of my fingers and kissed each one, my whole arm was tingling. He just smiled, released me, and smacked my behind, leaving a slight sting.

I stood motionless for a moment, not knowing what to do, but more importantly, I was still trying to recover from his kisses. It didn’t make any sense to me. No matter where he touched me, whether with his mouth or his hands, my skin came alive from the contact, and I felt that stirring in the pit of my stomach.

“Those eggs aren’t going to crack themselves, you know.” He nodded to the eggs cradled protectively against my chest.

I blushed, lowered my head, and got back to work on dinner. Cal and his girlfriend would be there before I knew it. My anxiety was already building. Everything needed to be perfect.

A few minutes before six, the phone rang and Stephan went to answer it. I suddenly felt cold. What if she didn’t like me? Dr. Cooper didn’t. Samantha didn’t. What would happen if Cal’s girlfriend hated me? Would he stop talking to me? Stop coming around? My hands trembled, and the knife slipped from my fingers.

“Come here.” Stephan’s arms circled around me, pulling me against his chest. “I’ll be right here with you, sweetheart. Everything will be fine.”

I shook my head. “What if she doesn’t like me? What if—”

“Shh. Deep breaths, Brianna.”

Doing what he said, I let his scent permeate my senses. By the time a knock sounded on the door, I had myself mostly under control.

“Thank you, Sir.”

He brushed his lips along my forehead before lowering his mouth to mine. “You’re welcome. Are you ready to greet our guests?”

“Yes,” I mumbled against his lips.

Stephan gave me a squeeze before opening the door.

Standing in the hallway was Cal and a beautiful woman with long blond hair. I assumed she was his girlfriend, Jade. She glanced at Stephan and then me. She seemed... curious.

“Ross.” Stephan nodded and then turned his attention to Jade. “You must be Jade. I’m Stephan Coleman. It’s nice to meet you.” He held out his hand to her.

She hesitated for a moment before accepting. “Thank you.”

“Please, come in. Dinner is almost ready.” Stephan took a step back, moving me along with him, to allow Cal and Jade into the condo.

The door was closed, and Stephan paused. He appeared to be waiting for something. When nothing happened, my anxiety began to rise again. Sweat formed on my palms, and my stomach churned with unease. Why wasn’t anyone saying anything?

Stephan sighed. “Jade, I don’t believe you’ve met Brianna.”

“Um. No. I haven’t.” She turned her attention to me. “It’s good to finally meet you, Anna. I’ve heard so much about you from Cal.” Jade paused. “Or do you prefer Brianna? Cal always calls you Anna, so...”

I didn’t like being put on the spot, but I knew I had to answer. “Anna’s fine.”

She smiled.

“Why don’t you both take a seat at the table while Brianna and I finish bringing over the food? There’s a pitcher of water and iced tea already there, so help yourselves to something to drink,” Stephan said as he guided me toward the kitchen.

“What? Keeping the good wine locked up tonight, Coleman?”

Stephan stopped and turned to look directly at Cal. “There is no good wine. Not in my home. I don’t drink.”

Ross’s mouth fell open at Stephan’s declaration. Stephan, however, seemed unfazed and resumed our progress to get the food. I stumbled slightly at the abrupt movement, but Stephan easily steadied me.