“Good girl. Now give me a kiss so that I have something to think about while I’m sitting in this boring meeting.”
Stephan released my chin, and I didn’t waste any time wrapping my arms around his neck. He smiled as he bent his head to kiss me.
The kiss didn’t last nearly long enough. I wanted more. Then again, I always seemed to want more of Stephan’s kisses.
He chuckled as he stepped back. “More later. I promise.”
Stephan walked to the door, straightening his jacket and tie. He paused and turned to look at me from head to toe. I was right where I’d been moments before, still enjoying the impression of his mouth on mine. There was something in his stare that made my heart beat faster. He smiled at me, and I smiled back. Then he was gone, leaving me alone.
I looked around his office, not knowing what to do with myself. There were very few signs of him in the space. Most of the furnishings were generic things found in almost any office. There were only two exceptions. On the wall was a picture of him and his uncle at what looked to be a ribbon cutting, and there was a picture of me on his desk.
My picture was something I hadn’t expected to see. I was pretty sure Stephan cared about me. He was so nice to me, and he made sure I had what I needed. Did his having a picture of me in his office mean it was more than that? The thought that it could had me smiling so wide my cheeks began to hurt.
I walked over to the couch and picked up the small bag I’d brought with me. At first, I’d been happy I wouldn’t have to stay in the condo by myself and that I’d get more time with him. That had lasted for all of thirty seconds before he’d told me it was because he and Lily had to attend a board meeting and he didn’t want to leave me alone just yet.
At his instruction, I’d packed a bag with two of the books I’d been reading, my journal, and some magazines Lily had brought me. Picking up the bag, I pulled everything out. For some reason, reading the books I’d been working on didn’t appeal to me, so I set them aside. I glanced at my journal, remembering how Stephan had me write down my feelings about what had happened with John. It had been difficult, and I’d needed to stop a few times. Stephan had held me, comforted me, until I could go back to it. I didn’t want to think about that right now, however, so I picked up one of the magazines.
The cover of the first one claimed to have all the secrets to snaring the perfect boyfriend, along with makeup tips and the ten hottest guys of summer. I flipped through the pages briefly. The tips on a boyfriend weren’t for me. I had no desire to get a boyfriend. I had Stephan, and he could keep me for as long as he wanted. The ten hottest guys were okay. I’d seen some of them on television before. They were all celebrities and cute in their own way. Some of them had a lot of muscles, others not so much. None of them, however, had anything on Stephan. His body was beautiful to me. I loved seeing it, touching it...
I leaned my head back and closed my eyes, remembering the previous night. After an all-too-quick shower, he’d taken me back to his bed. He’d held my wrists over my head as his penis filled me. It was as if he’d been surrounding me, protecting me. Like if I fell, he’d be there to catch me.
Thinking about him holding me down, restraining me, I remembered the rope. Stephan had been honest with me. I knew he was what he called a Dominant and that he wanted me to be his submissive. We’d talked a little about what he liked, what he expected of me, but that had been before we’d had sex. Would he want to tie me up? I didn’t know how I felt about that, but I also knew I wanted to make him happy.
There was a knock at the door.
I threw the magazine down on the couch, anxious. Who was there?
A second later, my question was answered. The woman Stephan had introduced me to as his assistant, Jamie, peeked her head in the door. When she glanced over at me on the couch, she smiled.
“Sorry to bother you, but I wanted to check and see if you’d like anything to drink. We have water or coffee. Or I can call down to the café and have them deliver something else.”
Although Jamie seemed nice, I was nervous. I didn’t like new people.
“I’m... okay.”
She grinned.
“All right. Well, if you change your mind just call me. Mr. Coleman said he showed you how to use the phone?”
“Yes.” I nodded.
“I’ll leave you to your reading, then,” she said, closing the door behind her.
I sat staring at the door for several minutes after she left. Jamie was very pretty. She was taller than me, maybe five foot seven or eight, and she had long blond hair. I knew Stephan worked with Jamie all the time—she was his assistant, after all—but did he feel anything else for her?
The possibility made me feel sick to my stomach. While I knew I had no real claim on Stephan, I didn’t want anyone else to have him. He was mine. I knew it wasn’t right to feel that way, but I couldn’t help it. My gaze drifted over to where the picture of me sat on his desk. That had to mean what I thought it did, didn’t it? I was important to him, wasn’t I?
By the time Stephan returned, there were tears in my eyes. He noticed immediately, of course, and gathered me into his arms.
“What’s wrong?” he asked, tucking my head against his chest.
I instantly felt better. The anxiety that had been plaguing me fell away, and I was left with a warm, tingly feeling.
“Is everything all right?” I jumped a little when I heard Dr. Cooper’s voice behind Stephan.
Instead of answering Dr. Cooper, Stephan tilted my face up to look at me, brushing the tears that had fallen off my cheeks. He just stared, and I realized he was waiting for me to answer his question. “I’m okay.”