Page 88 of Truth

Once we’d agreed to start playing together, I’d rented an apartment on the other side of town. College could be a lot like high school, and the last thing either of us had wanted was for someone to see us playing and spread it across campus. Since money hadn’t been an issue, it had been easier to have a separate place to get away.

We would drive to the apartment on Friday nights and spend the evening eating pizza and doing homework. At the end of the night, she would go to her bedroom, and I to mine. From midnight until six o’clock on Sunday nights when we’d sit down to dinner, she would be my submissive.

I learned a lot about being a Dominant in that time. Sarah was a year older than me, and she’d been introduced to the lifestyle by her first boyfriend when she was sixteen. She knew what she wanted, what she liked, and she was a great teacher. In many ways, she’d taught me more than Daren had.

Brianna worked in the kitchen to make me breakfast while I sat at the table and watched her. No, none of my prior relationships came close to what I had with Brianna. I’d never loved any of my submissives before her. To be honest, I’d never wanted more. With Brianna, I wanted everything.

During breakfast, I couldn’t stop touching her. It almost became a game as to how many times I could make her blush or giggle.

When I couldn’t put it off any longer, I pulled her into my lap and gave her a long kiss good-bye. “Have fun with Lily today. Use the card I gave you to buy whatever you want, and I’ll see you tonight when you get home.”


She would be here any minute.

The day had gone by too quickly. That might have been due to how nervous I was. I checked to make sure I had everything... again. My cell phone was in the pocket of my jeans, along with fifty dollars Stephan had insisted I take with me. He said you never knew when you’d need cash for something, and it was just safer that way.

For the first time, I was carrying one of the purses Lily bought me. There wasn’t much in it other than the credit card Stephan had given me and the driver’s license I hadn’t gotten around to using yet. I knew I’d have to drive sooner or later. There was nothing keeping me from using the car parked down in the parking garage but me. I was worried something would happen, even if it was a memory, and I’d panic. I didn’t want to cause an accident and risk hurting someone.

The panel by the door came alive, and I knew Lily had arrived. I stood, not sure what I should do. Normally Lily let herself inside on her own. Would she do that again?

My question was answered seconds later when she rang the doorbell. I rushed across the room to open the door.

“Hi.” Lily smiled. She was wearing jeans, a fitted blouse, and heels. It was the most casual I’d ever seen her.

“Hi, Lily.”

“Are you ready to go?”

I glanced behind me into the apartment. Everything was as it should be. There was no valid excuse for me not to leave with her. “Yes.”

“Grab your keys and let’s go. We have an appointment with Julie at four.”

By the time Lily parked her car alongside a large stone building, I was concentrating on taking each breath. Julie was Lily’s esthetician. We were going to get waxed before we went shopping. Lily said it would be easier that way, and Julie had blocked out her schedule for the rest of the day.

“Are you all right?”

I turned to see a worried Lily.

“I... I think so.”

She took my hand and squeezed. “It’ll be okay. I’ll go first. You can watch everything she does, okay?”

I nodded, but I was still at a five. Stephan said Lily had safewords. Would she know what it meant if I said yellow? Or red?

Lily got out of the car. She stood a few feet in front of her vehicle and waited, hand on her hip. “You coming?”

Taking a deep breath, I reached for the handle and opened the door.

The inside of the building wasn’t what I’d expected. I didn’t know what I’d expected, really, but this wasn’t it. There was a large desk in the center of the room. As we walked closer, I noticed there were two women sitting behind the high marble counters.

Lily stopped to talk to one of the women while I took in the rest of our surroundings. Music played overhead. It was soft and melodic. I realized it was meant to relax. Maybe that worked for most of their customers, but it wasn’t helping me. I was just as nervous as when we’d walked into the place.

“Julie’s ready for us.”

I swallowed and clutched my purse to my stomach. With every step, my uneasiness grew, and so did the nausea building in the pit of my abdomen. I’m doing this for Stephan.I’m doing this for Stephan.

“Lily!” A petite woman with curly blond hair approached us.